Chapter 2: Prelude To The Mystery. [🇬🇧]

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The next morning.

The two detectives are making their way to Buckingham Palace, a grand palace located in London, England, to interrogate their first suspect. They are travelling in a black cab they took after being in the ship for passing the English Channel. A dense fog surrounds the city, making visibility low but not enough to justify delaying their trip.

They approach the main entrance to the palace, where two guards stand watch. Upon seeing their cab arrive, they halted them.

The guards have their arms drawn, and look warily at the pair to see if their intentions are hostile. France and Russia exchange a brief glance, before sticking their heads out of the car's windows.

France speaks up, "We are here to speak to the United Kingdom - or, Great Britain- about the crime. We are here to discover who is responsible for the garden destruction, and would like to speak to her directly."

The guards exchange a look, clearly uncertain but not wanting to risk angering the two powerful foreign countries. One of them speaks up, "Well, I cannot speak for the queen herself, madame France. Let me go inside and ask, we shall return with her answer shortly. Please stand by."

He heads into the palace to relay the message. Russia whispers to France, "What do you think their answer will be? This case may prove to be more difficult than expected."

The French huffs in annoyance, rolling her eyes, "Oh you know the Brits being stubborn as always. This will definitely be difficult..."

Russia laughs, his usual cheery demeanor returning. "It will be a good challenge then. We can outwit both the Brits' arrogance and the perpetrators of the garden destruction. Let us wait here then, I'm sure they will return soon."

"You have too much hope, mon amour~" She chuckles, leaning to give him a soft peck on the cheek.

The Russian blushes softly, his cheeks turning red. He leans in to give her a slightly longer kiss on the cheek, giggling slightly. "My hope stems from my faith in you and your abilities."

Soon, the guards return, looking rather nervous.

"I'm afraid that the queen cannot grant you an audience at this time. The destruction of the garden is being investigated by our own forces, and the case is considered unsolved. We are unwilling to accept the help of outside detectives, especially when they are foreigners, AND our rivals."

France's face darkens at the answer, but Russia seems less bothered by it.

The French frowns, irritated at the answer. "Then it is as we suspected. The so called 'queen' is being stubborn and arrogant about the case. The UK is too proud to ask for outside help. Only making things more complicated for us to solve this case. We should have expected this from her." She scowls, her eyes narrowing in irritation. "This is ridiculous! If you are unable to solve the case, then let us do so. We have much better spying skills and solving mysterious puzzles."

One of the guards replies, "We will not change our mind. The queen is not willing to cooperate with foreigners and her rivals and their so-called skills."

Russia steps up between France and the guard's conversation, "Is she implying we are not skilled?" Russia scowls.

The guard shrugs, "I am not going to comment on the queen's intentions. Just know that she will not accept outside help, no matter how much you believe you can solve the case."

"Well, can we AT LEAST just prove that we're innocent?! Your alcoholic whore of a queen made such quick accusations of the culprit to being me!" France continues to argue.

COUNTRYHUMANS: The Vegetable Heist. [FRANCE x RUSSIA]🇫🇷x🇷🇺Where stories live. Discover now