Chapter 1: Who Did It?

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The kitchen is sleek in style and features white quartz countertops and white subway tile backsplash with stainless steel appliances. An open window allows the breeze to waft in, and a radio plays a Russian song from across the room. A massive flatscreen TV is mounted on one wall and is tuned to the news.

France is humming along to the catchy Russian song, named "Если я спал с тобой(If I've slept with you)" (Video above.) playing from the radio as she bakes the soft, fluffy pastry for breakfast(That's what we French eat for breakfast-). The scent of butter and cream permeates the air, filling the home with its sweet, earthy aroma.

"Если я спал с тобой, не думай, что я твой~ Не говори со мной, ни слова про любовь~ И снова день, то ночь, кассету поменяй~ Я научу тебя себе не доверять~"

(If I've slept with you, don't think I'm yours~ Don't talk to me, not a word of love~ And again day, then night, change the tape~ I'll teach you not to trust yourself~)

Although not understanding Russian herself, France has memorized and can sing along to many Russian songs(As Russian is her lover's language), though still with a strong French accent. She is a talented singer, just with very wrong pronouncing- but of course, you can't blame her if she has a very thick accent, and while her pronunciation leaves much to be desired, it is nonetheless pleasing to hear.

As she baked, she turned to glance at the tv - seeing the USA, speaking crap about her boyfriend, Russia, as usual. . .

France quickly turns off the TV in irritation, her eyebrows furrow, the sound of the news anchor's voice grating on her ears. She would rather not hear any more of the American's biased, false reports, and she turns her attention back to her baking.

She just can't stand how the United States of America is always antagonizing Russia, and it pains her to hear him spew his lies about him.

Suddenly, her phone beeped as a text notification popped up.

Frowning in annoyance, she pauses to take her phone out from her pocket, looking at the screen to see what it is.

France sees the name of the contact on her phone and smiles. The contact name "Mon ourson🇷🇺🧸💗" is her boyfriend with the nickname of "My teddybear". She is immediately brightened by the sight of his text and she quickly opens it up to see what he is saying.

<Mon ourson🇷🇺🧸💗 : France?

< France!

< Are you ready yet? Hurry up, the world meeting will not wait any longer!

France quickly reads the text from her boyfriend and her eyes widen as she realizes what he is talking about. She forgot completely about the world meeting - hosted by the one and only brat Britain herself - they would be attending together today.

On my way! Sorry for the delay, I was baking. Where are you? >

< Outside your house

Her eyes widen and she immediately glances out the window. There, standing outside her door on the sidewalk, is the tall Slavic nation looking up from his phone and waving sweetly at her. She is stunned by the unexpected sight and her heart skips a beat. To everyone else, he looks like an ordinary nation, but to her, he can do no wrong. His sweet smile is all she needs in this moment to forget her worries, get lost in these deep red velvet eyes, and be swept away in the joy of love...

COUNTRYHUMANS: The Vegetable Heist. [FRANCE x RUSSIA]🇫🇷x🇷🇺Where stories live. Discover now