Chapter One - The Wallens

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Morgan's POV
"Indigo, give me back the iPad! It was my turn to play!" Emerson shouts, sprinting after her older brother who's holding the iPad above his head and sticking his tongue out at his sister.

"No way. You've been on it too long. It's my turn," Indigo says, sitting on top of the couch and starting to play the iPad himself.

"Indigo Wilder Wallen, give that back to your sister right now or no one gets it." Memphis says. She looks at me and sighs. "I knew we should have bought them their own iPads, Morgan. I swear, that stupid thing is the only thing they fight over."

"Yeah. I'll have to go out and get another one next week. I'll just give it to Indi for his birthday," I say.

"Sounds good to me. Emi, honey, you need to go upstairs and change for your dance recital." Memphis says, giving Emerson a pointed look. Emerson sighs.

"Okay mama,"

Emerson goes upstairs while Indigo continues to play on the iPad, a big smile on his face. I swipe the iPad from him and he looks up at me with a frown.

"Hey. I was playing that," he protests. I shake my head.

"Too bad. You took it from your sister and then the two of you fought over it; therefore, no one's allowed to have it. End of discussion,"

I put the iPad in the top cupboard and come back into the living room to find Indigo on the couch still pouting.

"Indigo, no more poutin'. Now go upstairs and get ready for your sister's dance recital," I say. Indigo sighs and stomps up the stairs. "Now don't be stompin' up the stairs or it's no tv for a couple days,"

"That's no fair!" Indigo shouts. I chuckle.

"Oh yeah it is. I'll tell your momma not to let you watch any tv too if you keep that up,"

Indigo huffs but doesn't stomp up the rest of the stairs. I sigh and sit down at the kitchen table, running my hands through my hair.

"Why does he have to be like me?" I whisper, looking over at Memphis as she washes the dishes. Memphis shrugs.

"'Cause he's your kid, Morgan. Plus, listening was never any kid's strong suit anyways."

"I guess so," I mutter.

Our youngest daughter Sophia walks into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes and yawning. Her hair is a mess after her nap and Memphis smiles when she sees her.

"Hi baby. Sleep good?" She asks. Sophia nods.

"Yeah. Are we going to sissy's dance recital?"

"Yep. There should be an outfit upstairs for ya. If you need help gettin' dressed just ask your sister, alright?" Memphis says.

"Okay momma," Sophia says, leaving the room.

Memphis's POV
"I still can't believe that I got a daughter who dances. Almost seems a bit odd for a guy like me," Morgan mutters as he adjusts his tie and tugs at his shirt collar. I roll my eyes.

"You're still proud of her though,"

"Of course. I just wished she liked softball, basketball, or even soccer," Morgan says. I smile.

"Don't worry, babe. Maybe she'll change her mind about all this stuff when she's older."

"Yeah. Maybe she will, but only time will tell." Morgan says with a chuckle. I kiss him on the cheek.

"Yep. Only time will tell, I guess."

Emerson's POV
Eleven Years Later
I shiver from the crisp January cold. Why I ever agreed to play winter softball I have no idea, but here I am wearing a softball uniform with a long sleeve shirt and leggings underneath it.

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