Chapter Six - Beer

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Piper's POV
I walk down the stairs with my phone in hand, still staring at it as I go to open the door.

"Where ya goin'?" Daddy asks. I shrug.



"Does it matter? I'm hanging out with Emerson," I mutter. Daddy shrugs.

"I don't know. Kinda. Especially since the last time you told me where you were goin', you ended up goin' to some party."

"Oh come on! You still don't trust me?!" I shout. My daddy chuckles.

"I might trust you once you tell me where you're goin' with Emerson,"

"Fine. Uncle Morgan's taking us to the batting cages for some softball practice, so we're gonna have adult supervision. Is that alright with you?" I ask somewhat sarcastically. My daddy scratches his chin.

"I suppose. Is Morgan outside right now?"

"Yeah. Him and Emerson are out there with his truck waitin' for me," I reply with a frown.

My daddy stands up and walks over to the window, checking outside. When he sees Uncle Morgan, he waves to him and Uncle Morgan waves back.

"See? You've got your proof. Can I go now?" I ask. My daddy sighs.

"Alright fine. You can go. Have a good time,"

"I will," I say shortly, grabbing my softball bag and slinging it onto my back as I walk out the front door.


"He don't trust me anymore and it's so annoying," I say in referring to my daddy. I swing my bat to hit the softball sailing towards me and it flies through the air. Emerson sighs.

"Well, maybe, if you hadn't gone to that party, he'd still trust you."

"Maybe, but how do I fix it? If he doesn't trust me, then I'll never be allowed to do anything." I say as I hit another ball with my bat.

"Then earn back his trust. Maybe, instead of not listening to what he says, you should actually listen. Always tell him where you're going. And show proof of it, of course." Emerson explains. I roll my eyes.

"Of course. Can't forget that,"

"Well, he's gonna ask for proof regardless, so you might as well just show him before he asks, right?" Emerson questions. I shrug.

"I mean, I guess. I can always count on you since you've always been a goody two shoes,"

"I am not," Emerson mutters, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah you are. If it weren't for you, I would have gone to like fifty parties by now." I explain. Emerson laughs.

"That's probably true,"

Michael's POV
"I don't get it, Cass. Why's she gotta be like, like..."

"You? I don't know. Maybe 'cause she's your kid," Cassidy says, wrapping her arms around me. I take her hand and squeeze it lightly.

"I guess so, but I don't remember bein' so darn bullheaded and rebellious." I say. Cassidy chuckles.

"Oh, honey, I might of only started gettin' to know ya our senior year of high school, but I saw my fair share of your rebellious nature. Oh, and you're still very bullheaded, by the way."

"What? Name one time I was a rebellious teenager," I say with a frown. Cassidy taps her chin.

"Well, I do remember a certain party that we went to where you drank till you were so drunk you couldn't walk straight. Your daddy was super pissed that night if I recall. You ever think of talkin' to Piper about that? I bet it could diffuse the tension between you two a bit," she explains with a smirk. I shrug.

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