Chapter 1: First Day of Band Camp!

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It was June, and Kyle Moore, a sophomore at Harvey High School, rushed out to the field with his trombone in hand, eager to join his bandmates and the band director who was already waiting for them.

Upon arriving, his friend Jodie greeted him warmly, saying, "What's up, Kyle?"

"Hello Jodie!" He responded.

The start of band camp had finally arrived, and Kyle was ready to put his musical talents to the test. He loved the marching band, it was his passion.

"Okay guys, get in your positions!" The director said. Immediately, he and his other fellow band mates got in position. They practiced marching, and playing for a while.

The band members were given a break afterwards. Kyle talks to Jodie.

"Damn, I'm very exhausted!" Kyle says

"Me too."

While looking around out of boredom, Kyle lays his eyes on a redhead, who is one of the colorguards.

"Who's that?" He asks.

"Oh, I think that's one of the new students here, and I think her name is Evelyn."

"Oh, alright."

"Do you have a crush?" Jodie asked while smirking at Kyle.

"No. Well, she does look cute- and friendly."

"You think she's hot, don't you?"

"No, I-"

"You should go talk to her, Kyle."


"Come on!"


Kyle walked up to the girl and Jodie followed along.

Kyle shyly tapped her on the shoulder. The girl looked at him.

"Hello, y-your name is E-E- erm- Evelyn, correct?"

"Correct. Anyway, what do you want?" Evelyn replied

  "I just wanna say, c-c-c-can we be f-f-f-fffriends?" Kyle said, looking away, blushing.

"Sure! I guess we could!"

Jodie looks at Kyle and gives him a thumbs up.

"Ooh, what are you doing Kyle?" asked Becca, the mellophone section leader, while smirking.

"Oh, erm-nothing."

"Are you trying to rizz her up?" Becca asked while still smirking

"No! I'm just trying to make another friend!"

"Yeah, sure."

Evelyn and Kyle were engaged in conversation until the break had ended. With the sound of the whistle, the marching band was instructed to take their places, and Evelyn and Kyle assumed their positions for the first song of the evening.

Leading the band was Declan, who happened to be Jodie's brother and the designated drum major. He conducted them and the band played flawlessly.

"I guess my strict punishments really did make the band sound great." Declan joked. He wasn't harsh or anything, he just would make band members do push ups if they would play the wrong notes or tripped.

However, he would rush to the aid if someone passed out or broke a bone or something like that. He knew C.P.R. and other life-saving techniques, and was like a father to the band.

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