Chapter 3: Last Day of Band Camp (short cuz lazy and my fren want a new chapter)

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Time skip: the last day of band camp, near the end of July

Kyle woke up at eight and fed his dog CornPuff. After taking CornPuff for a walk, Kyle ate breakfast and played with the dog some more.

"Who's a good boy? Yes. You are!" he told CornPuff while rubbing his belly.

CornPuff squirmed.

Kyle told CornPuff "Be good. I have to go."

He got a text from Jodie.

Cue text conversation:

Jodie: I'm outside b*tch

Kyle: Ok

Jodie: coke on

Kyle: *come

Jodie: Shut up GRRRRRRRRRRRR 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Just cum.

Kyle: *pulls down pants*
Yes daddy~

Jodie: just Get in the damn car

Kyle: ok ok

End text conversation

He hopped in the car.

"So Kyle, me and Declan were just talking about whether or not Declan should crush my head with his thighs in front of the entire marching band~" Jodie asked Kyle with a smirk.


"Yeah. He's probably gay and into incest" Declan joined.

"It's a joke obviously!" Replied Jodie.

"You know, Becca could do that to me~ Have you seen those thick ass thighs? She's probably saved billions of lives!"

Jodie: "Shut up Declan, do you ever not make out with her?"

"Nope. I will never not make out with my girl~"

"I hope your balls explode"

"Damn, do y'all argue like this a lot?" asked Kyle.

"I guess." replied Jodie.

"Damn, that's gay of you to do that to your brother!"

They got to the school.

"Ah yes, beautiful balls~" said Jodie randomly, while looking down between Kyle's legs.

"What the hell Jodie! Stop looking at my balls!"

"Oh man, my bad, I only got two hours of sleep, so I cannot function properly, and that's why I'm acting weird."

"Oh alright."

"Where's Ev?" Jodie asked.

"Shoot, we gotta find her."

They went to find her. They looked all around, looking for her.

"What up!" Shouted Evelyn

"Ev!" Kyle responded.

"Yo what about me?" Butted Jodie

"I didn't forget you!"


Jodie looks over to check if Declan and Becca are making out.

"Guys we should watch Declan and Becca!" shouted Jodie.

The both replied with "Okay!"

They watched them for a while until they got bored.

Then they did band stuff. Then Declan, Becca, Kyle, Jodie, and Evelyn struck up a conversation.

Becca: Why do you three watch us?

Jodie: Um-because we're bored, and we don't know what else to do?

Becca: But why watch us tho?

Evelyn: Maybe because you make out too much.

Becca: You and Kyle probably make out!

Evelyn: Wha? No- w-we're not dating!

Kyle: Yeah, w-we're j-just friends!

Becca: Okay, if you say so.

Declan: Damn, I wanna sleep.

Jodie: You wanna sleep with Becca?

Declan: Shut the hell up Jodie!

Jodie: Hehe.

Kyle: Oh, wow.

Declan: So, do y'all wanna get ice cream?

They all agreed and they got ice cream.

(Sry that this chapter was rushed, I wanted to give ma fren a new chapter)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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