Illicit Affairs

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We meet in secret, away from sight,
Whispers soft and sweet, hidden from light,
Amidst the crowds, you seek me out,
But in secrecy, we must go about.

Furtive touches, fleeting glances,
Our passion is hidden from prying eyes,
In stolen moments, we take our chances,
In this game of love with dangerous ties.

But love cannot be owned or possessed,
A heart cannot be won with just sweet words,
And true love cannot be kept in shadows alone,
For, in the end, it's the heart that speaks and is heard.

For we are but two souls intertwined,
In a love that is both beautiful and tragic,
But in the end, we must leave behind,
This illicit affair is both magic and tragic.

To The Person I Loved And Lost Where stories live. Discover now