Chapter One

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Bruce's Pov

Damian and my grandkids are coming home to Gotham City. I will not let the Justice League or Young Justice near them. Bruce Wayne, also known as Batman, has always been cautious when it comes to the safety of his loved ones. He knows the dangers that come with being associated with superheroes, and he wants to shield his family from any potential harm. Despite his trust issues with the Justice League and Young Justice, Bruce's main priority is ensuring the well-being of his grandchildren, and he will go to great lengths to protect them. I hear the limo at the front door, and Alfred opens the door. Damian and my grandkids walk in. "Father, we are home." Damian calls out to me. "In the living room, Damian." I call out to him. As they enter the living room, Bruce's stern expression softens as he sees his grandchildren's smiling faces. He realizes that, despite his reservations, his family is his greatest source of joy, and he will continue to do whatever it takes to keep them safe. "Damian, I have to ask, are you ever going to tell him?" I ask him. "Kids, go to your mother's room while I talk with your grandfather." Damian tells them. "The reason I ask Wally, Roy, Kon, and Jon keep coming asking for you and your brothers. I didn't tell them that your brothers are dead." I explain it to Damian. My face turns grave as he listens to my words. He takes a deep breath before responding, "I've been trying to protect them, to shield them from the pain. But maybe it's time they knew the truth." I look at Alfred and nod in agreement. "It's never easy to deliver such news, but they deserve to know the truth," Alfred says softly. "We can support them through this difficult time and help them understand." He looks at me with determination in his eyes. "Let's gather them and have an honest conversation. It's time to face reality and provide them with the closure they need."

Damian's Pov

Father calls Wally, Kon, Roy, and Jon to come over. My heart sinks as I watch my father make the call. I know that this conversation will change everything, and I can't help but feel a mix of fear and sadness for my brothers exes. However, deep down, I know that it's necessary for us growth and healing. Half an hour later, Wally, Kon, Roy, and Jon arrive at the manor, their expressions a mix of curiosity and apprehension. I take a deep breath, preparing myself for the difficult conversation ahead. I know that this is the first step towards rebuilding trust and finding closure for everyone involved. "Hello, Wally, Kon, Roy, and Jon," I say, his voice steady but filled with empathy. "I appreciate all of you coming here today. I know this isn't easy, but it's important for us to address the events that have taken place and find a way to move forward together." The four friends exchange glances, their unease evident, but they nod in agreement, ready to face the challenges ahead. "There is no easy way to put this, but Dick died ten years ago, and Jason and Tim died seven years ago." Wally looked like the world was ending. Roy and Kon looked like deer in headlights. "Damian, I know you are not telling us something. Please tell us." Jon says. "That I can't tell you because I promised my brothers, plus, why do you care? You guys broke our hearts." Damian shouts. "Damian, please go to your room. I will talk to them for you." Father said.

Bruce's Pov

After Damian when to his room, I glared at the boys in front of me. "I can't believe you four broke my sons hearts. What is wrong with you?" I asked with no emotion. The boys shifted uncomfortably under my piercing gaze. Jon mustered up the courage to say, "Bruce, we didn't mean to hurt them. We were just caught up in our own problems and didn't realize the impact it would have on them." Roy nodded in agreement, adding, "We should have been more considerate. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right." I looked at them with rage and said, "Well, you can't with Dick, Jason, or Tim." My voice trembled with anger as I continued, "They are dead. You had your chance, and you blew it." The weight of my words hung heavily in the air as silence filled the room. My expression softened slightly, and my disappointment was evident. "Now please get out of my manor." I said it with a firm tone. The room fell into an even deeper silence as I and Roy exchanged glances, realizing the magnitude of their mistakes. They slowly stood up, their heads bowed in remorse, and silently made their way towards the exit.

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