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(They haven't used trolls here by the way, but there are some upcoming chapters that shows that they used trolls) (sorry for bad grammar :3)

Velvet was getting ready for the interview, while Veneer, he's just laying down on the white couch scrolling down on his Phone. "Veneer, aren't you gonna get ready? Don't be lazy." Velvet says looking at Veneer with the Makeup table mirror. Veneer looks at Velvet then stands up, "Alright, alright.." Veneer went to the table and does his hair, his make-up, puts on jewelry and his gold outfit that matched his sister's. He looked fabulous then looks at Velvet. "How do I look?" He asks, "I should be the one asking that, but you look fine anyways." Velvet responds, Veneer rolls his eyes, smiling, he went to sit on the couch again and looks at the clock. It was only 30 minutes before the Interview.

Velvet was looking good, Veneer looks at Velvet "You look great, sis!" He says smiling, "Thanks." Velvet looks at Veneer. It was 30 Minutes, manager knocks on the door "Ms and Mr. V, it's time for the interview! This is a first call.", Velvet and Veneer stands up and opens the door, then walks down the hallway to the interview. They both arrived, KidRitz was there sitting "Oh, hey, Velvet and Veneer! So glad to finally meet you two, are you guys ready?" KidRitz greets them excitedly while smiling. The siblings sat on the couch, "We're ready." Velvet responds, while Veneer nods smiling. "Alright! Let's start!"
KidRitz starts the interview and records.

"So, what do you wanna know? I'm an open book." "Wide open, we're gaping novels!" Veneer responds. "Okey, well, who's one of your biggest influences?" Ritz asks. "Honestly.. Vel's always been my inspiration.." Veneer points at Velvet in full hand, "Well, my biggest inspiration? Hmm I have to go with.. Also me!" Velvet says confidently. "Last question! How do you guys stay the biggest superstars Mount Rageous has EVER know! What's your secret?" Ritz questions. "Oh, it's simple really! It just takes lots of hard work and loads of natural talent!" Velvet says happily. Ritz ended the record, "Woah, that was a fantastic interview! Nice meeting you guys, hope to see you again!" Ritz gestures some hand actions and waves. Veneer waves back, while Velvet only smiles. The siblings left, "We did so good! Next thing that will happen is that tomorrow, we will finally have our concert Mount Rageous has been waiting for!" Velvet grins. "Yea, can't wait!" Veneer grins and smiles.

It was 8:00, Velvet and Veneer was changed into a new comfy clothes.

Velvet was hungry, there was no food anywhere. "Veneer, can you quickly buy us foods? I'm starving like hell!" She helps leaning to the wall besides the couch. Veneer saw how hungry she was, he was kind of hungry too so he agreed. He puts on a gray shirt, with a black jeans with his hair down, it was kind of a cold night, he forgot to wear a jacket. He gets his purse then waves to Velvet , he walked down the hallway then went outside. Mount Rageous was so beautiful, his eyes sparkled, he never knew how nice Mount Rageous was at night. He went to a store and grabbed some delicious snacks, while he was looking for drinks that Velvet likes, a person walked past him, the person wore a purple beanie with his hair down, with white jeans that balooned up at the ending of the jeans with boots, had a dark purple coat with a white inner shirt. Veneer looks at the person, he looked familliar, he then realized it's KidRitz, the one that interviewed them earlier! "Oh hey, KidRitz right?" Veneer waves and smiles. KidRitz looks at Veneer, "Oh! Helloo, yes it's KidRitz, you're Veneer right? didn't expect I would meet you again at this time." Ritz smiles shockly. "Yea, me too, Velvet wanted some snacks since she was starving. Why are you here too anyways?" Veneer says. "The same condition your sister has.." Ritz chuckles. Veneer chuckles too, he realized it was great meeting other people too. This person was nice, he never met someone like him, he kind of liked him. They both talked for a bit then they walked to the cashier together purchaising the items. They left the store, Veneer was rubbing his other arm, it was cold that he shivered. Ritz looks at Veneer, he realized that he was cold. He took his coat off, then transfered it to Veneer's back. Veneer's eyes widened when Ritz transfered his coat to his, Ritz was a concern person. Veneer slightly blushed then smiled at Ritz, "Thanks, Ritz.. You didn't need to do that." Veneer says smiling. Ritz smiles, "Don't worry, you were cold. Don't forget a jacket next time!" Ritz chuckles, Veneer chuckles too. He was sweet, they arrived Veneer's mansion. "Hey, thanks for walking me here Ritz." Veneer glances at Ritz. "No problem!" Ritz answers. Veneer was about to take the coat off but was interrupted by Ritz. "No, no, it's fine. Keep the coat! Really." Ritz interrupts. Veneer blushed slightly, he thought he would never meet someone like this. "Really..? Thank you Ritz, you're sweet.", Ritz blushes slightly. " By the way.. Do u want to hang out sometime..?" Ritz says while he tippy toes repeatedly. "I would love to! I'll see you around? Velvet would be starving now. " Veneer laughs. Ritz thought veneer's laugh was cute, "Sure! Goodnight Veneer!", " Night Ritz!" They both walk away seperately, Veneer was thinking about what happens earlier while walking up their room, he still had Ritz's keep it coat, he will protect it no matter what. Veneer arrived the room, to see Velvet laying down the couch watching TV waiting for Veneer, Velvet looks at Veneer. "What took you so long bro? I'm starving here that I suddenly watched TV." Velvet stands up and grabbed the grocery, Veneer chuckles "Sorryy..!" Veneer and Velvet sat down the couch, the items that Veneer bought was in between both of them. Velvet looked at Veneer and saw the coat, "Hey.. Where'd you get that coat suddenly? Clothing stores are closed this time." Velvet asks confusedly with her brow raising up. Veneer's eyes widended, he forgot to take it off. "Uhm.. KidRitz gave it to me earlier since it was cold, don't worry! We just saw each other in the store and walked me here.." Veneer answers with a forced smile. "That interviewer..? No way you guys met at night. Fruity.." Velvet responds looking away slowly smiling, Veneer frowned and side eyed Velvet. Velvet thought it was funny, she kept eating anyway.



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