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Slight cuss!
Veneer's POV
It was morning, a very sunny morning. i was at the kitchen, eating cereal, whilst Velvet, she's not yet awake. I was watching Flamingo on my phone (Veneer watches Flamingo, fight me 😈) , i was enjoying watching, then suddenly Ritz chatted my number. How did he get my number? I snatch my phone and see a text; "Hey, Veneer! Sorry to bother, I know you're wondering how I got your number, I saw your and velvet's number on a stand, sorry if I creeped you out but I was just wondering, if you guys are free to go to a park at 3 PM? I know y'all just met me yesterday but I don't have friends to go with me, only my sis can.." I read it, "A long ass sentence just to invite us to a park.. Doesn't hurt to say yes. " I think to my mind.. But Vel doesn't know yet, she might kick my ass if I dont tell her. I replied to Ritz; "Oh hey, Ritz! Yeah it creeped me out, but I was wondering on the park thing , I say.. Yes. But I need to wait for Velvet to wake up and tell her, she might kick my ass if I don't." I look at the delivery turn to seen. "Okay, update me! Sorry for creeping you out :>" Ritz replies, I thought it was cute that he uses these silly icons (idk what it's called). I go back to YouTube to watch flamingo, I then look at my cereal, it was noisy.. It made that pitch crunchy sound. I continue to eat though.

Velvet's POV

I woke up, it wasn't my room, nor it wasn't my mansion.. It was a strange abandoned house that has rusty woods, I looked at the bed I was sleeping on, it was so dirty! It had mud and dusts. It probably had many germs.. I stand up in confusion and disgust, I look at the desk that was very dirty and rusty handle, I opened it. It had a note, in curiosity, I opened the note. I read; "Dear ???
I'm sorry ???. I didn't mean to do this, it's funny, you're probably confused, sorry not sorry. Look at the back of the note ;)" it was strange, who was this person reffering to? I look at the back of the note to see "DON'T LOOK BACK" with a darker red shade, I looked back in curiosity, the window shuttered suddenly and I fell in a void, I screamed. Then I wake up, I was sweating and shaky, what the fuck happend?
I thought to myself to forget it, it was just a shitty dream that made my heart pound like crazy. I go out of my room to see Veneer watching Flamingo whilst eating a cereal in the kitchen, I don't get why he watches that at his age. I go to him, "Oh hey, sis! You slept long. Did you get a good sleep?" He asks looking at me. "No, I had a weird shitty dream, I rather forget about it. Anyway, aren't you too old to watch Flamingo?" I eyed him. "Sis, no ones old enough to watch Flamingo.." Veneer rolls his eyes looking back to what he's watching, then suddenly the video Veneer was watching screamed shits "FUCK-.. BRO TURN THAT DOWN" Veneer smiles like a mischievous kid. I roll my eyes, "hey, where's my food? You better make me some.". Veneer frowned and stands up, "Fine.. Also I have to ask something" he adds. I looked at him with my brow raising. "Ritz invited us to a park, can we goooo?? He said his friends are not free to go. But his sister will be able to come, please can we?" Veneer puts my food to the counter in front of me pleading to let him go with me. "Really.. He invited us? When we met him yesterday? He's too closey." I lower my eye lids and frown a bit. "Awh come on sis! This time only, it doesn't hurt to meet new people just because we're famouss.." Veneer frowns pleasing. I roll my eyes, "Fine, you're paying me though. ", Veneer jumps in excitement. "Yay! Thanks sis, he said we will go to the park later 3 PM." Veneer snatches his phone and updates Ritz.
"Hey Ritz! Velvet agreed, see you guys at 3 PM.", Ritz reads the message, he's glad that Velvet agreed.
I finished eating, I went to my bathroom and took a shower, I styled my hair into a ponytail with some hair hanging on the sides. I wore a white puff sleeved blouse with a V shape on the ending, blue jeans, with black Mary Jane sandals.

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