Chapter 27: Reunion I

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Friday came fast.

Sarah stared blankly at the invitation card on the table as she contemplated the most convincing reason not to go. The school reunion thing bugged her and she wanted nothing to do with it. She did not have the energy to exchange pleasantries with those fake people.

She knew that that cheating pair would be there and, with Clara's personality, she wouldn't miss this Golden opportunity to show off. For some unknown reason, Clara always felt the need to compete with her.

"Sarah, staring at that card won't make it disappear."

"Ugh... do I have to?" Sarah groaned. She had tried every possible excuse under the sun but Emily wasn't having any of that. Even the weather was great to the point where she couldn't use it as an excuse.

School reunions may sound cool but it is an event where people meet to show off and gather some gossip that can keep them occupied until the next meeting.

To put it bluntly, it is a chance to compare with others and see how much of a loser they are. Or, find out who's the loser of the whole class; it would be better if it were someone famous. That way, you would have something to comfort yourself with. But tough luck if you turned out to be that loser.

"Yes, you have to. I can't have you hiding away in your closet just because you cannot face reality," Emily said leaving no chance for rebuttal.


"Come on girl, no more excuses." Emily dragged her to the dressing table and stuffed a dress into her hands. "You have 10 minutes to get ready."

Sigh. It looks like there was no escaping this. Sarah picked up a white dress that Emily had personally selected for her and she had to admit that Emily's sense of fashion was topnotch. A little bit of reluctance diminished at the sight of the elegance of this dress after she changed into it. Was it too late to back out?

"Emily, I..."

"What? Are you scared that you will meet them?" Emily teased.

"Who's scared?" Sarah said but a blush still crept up her face, "If anything, I want to drench those two in wine to celebrate their affair."

"Then why don't you want to go?"

"I don't know how to face everyone."

"Are you even listening to yourself?" Emily snapped, "What kind of nonsense is that? Since when do you care about what others think about you? The real Sarah Suarez doesn't give a damn about what others think, okay?"

Sarah stared at the mirror as she took in what Emily said those words gave her a jolt and the part that had been hiding too deeply, stirred. Her mind wandered to a few years back when she would play and enjoy herself to the fullest without caring what others thought of her. She stuck to her true self and spoke her mind without holding back any grievance.

This part of her had slowly been repressed since she started dating Brandon. She wanted to fit in and be loved. She felt that her true personality was why people stayed away from her.

Gradually, she had changed to the point where she couldn't recognize herself anymore. She had been so rational that she lost her real self. Perhaps this break wasn't that bad.

"Yeah, you are right. I can't miss this reunion." She snapped out of her trance, and took a deep breath. Then her lips curled up into a radiant smile, so radiant that it could warm up a frozen lake. "It is time to introduce the real Sarah to the world."

"Go girl, that's the spirit!" Emily cheered.

With renewed enthusiasm and a new goal in mind, Sarah put more effort into dressing up. After half an hour of hard work, Emily stood beside Sarah feeling proud of herself. She took Sarah's arm and twirled her around while looking at her carefully.

She teased, smiling, "Girl, you usually don't dress up, but this dress makes me want to bite you." Her smile widened and there was a hint of mischief in her eyes, "trust me; this look is enough to take down a man tonight."

Emily tried to bite her face after she finished talking. Sarah took a step back and tapped Emily's head away. "Emily, what are you trying to do? Don't lie."

Emily turned serious and said in an aggrieved tone, "Hey girl, even if you don't trust yourself, you have to trust my great fashion sense." She pursed her lips and tapped her cheek with her finger as she thought. "Although you are not the 'Vogue Magazine' kind of beauty, you are the kind of beauty that is particularly attractive." She massaged her chin like those reclusive martial art masters and circled around Sarah. "ai ai ai, the more I look at you, the more beautiful you become."

Sarah's cheeks heated up from Emily's praise. Although she felt like Emily had exaggerated a bit, it still felt amazing to receive such praise. Her words had boosted her confidence a great deal and she was ready to face what lay ahead as she stepped out, ready to take charge of her own life.

"Sarah!" Emily suddenly called out.

"What?" Sarah turned around only to see Emily pointing at the large poster in the house that said, 'Don't ever drink again.'

"Girl, whatever happens, please stay away from alcohol, okay?" Sarah did not respond but had this ridiculous look on her face like she was looking at a complete idiot. Emily put her palms together in a begging gesture. "Hey, great queen, please promise me."

"Is it really that bad?" Sarah asked, embarrassed. "Aren't you coming to the reunion?"

"There is a small issue at the company," Emily said and Sarah felt her newfound courage leaving her body. Emily added, "I won't take long, I'll come as soon as I resolve the problem." she waved her hand away from herself signaling her to leave. "Go ahead; I will meet you at the party later."

A/N: are you ready for some first class drama? Buckle up sweeties, we are about to get some action 😈😈. I'm so excited for the next update 😅😅.

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