Chapter 1: New York Again.

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Taylor just got back from her tour recently and she was exhausted from it all. On top of that, she's also feeling really jet lagged. But she misses her two beloved cats, Meredith and Olivia like crazy. As usual, she leaves them with her parents whenever she goes on tour. Even though she was feeling extremely tired, she told herself to muster up whatever strength she has left and go to her parents house to pick them up.

When at the front door, she was immediately greeted by her mother as she called before hand saying that she would pick them up today and head back to New York straight after. Being the concerned parent as she always is, Andrea asked if Taylor wanted to stay over instead of rushing back to New York in a hurry. "Are you okay? You look like you need a good shower and some rest. I made you your favorite pizza, with extra pepperoni and cheese." Andrea looks at her daughter, worried about her health. Taylor smiles politely at her mom and just shakes her head. "I have to get going. I have a meeting tomorrow with one of my music producers. But i'll take some of the delicious pizza to go?"

While her mom was packing a few slices into a to-go plastic container, Taylor quickly packs up her cats' toys and blankets into a bag and puts them into their respective carriers. Taylor's bodyguard, Spencer quickly helped her with some of her belongings and put it in the back of the Escalade.

Before leaving, she hugged her mom goodbye and gave her a kiss on the cheeks. "I'll call you when I'm home. Love you mom. Take care and say hi to dad for me," said Taylor in a hurried manner. In the car, she winds the window down and waves goodbye. Andrea waves back as her daughter's car sped off quickly as if some paparazzi was chasing after her.

Back in New York again, Taylor steps out of her car and lets out a small sigh of relief as there weren't any paparazzi outside her penthouse. They probably thought she was still in London because she told her agent to spread a small lie about how she was going to stay a few extra days after her tour ended. She smiles to herself and takes in a deep breath as everything was going according to plan. She looks around and immediately felt at home. She remembers why she loved New York so much in the first place.

The elevator opens right up to her living room and her bodyguard, Spencer once again helps her with her bags. "Is there anything else you need me to do Miss Swift?" "That's all Spencer. Thanks for the help. Take the rest of the day off. I'll see you tomorrow." Taylor said while giving Spencer a polite smile and a small wave.

Once Spencer closes the door behind him, Taylor lets her cats out of their carriers and she can see that they too felt happy to be home. Taylor goes to one of the cupboards under the sink to scoop out some cat biscuits and placed them in their bowls. Meredith quickly went for it and in a matter of minutes, there was nothing left in it. Olivia on the other hand was not interested in her food at all. Taylor then thought to herself that Olivia does this from time to time and it's normal. She didn't think much of it. Meredith went in for the kill and ate Olivia's share of biscuits also. Taylor scolded her for it and placed another scoop of biscuits onto Olivia's bowl. She quickly went to get herself cleaned up and went to bed right after.

The next morning, Taylor woke up feeling better and more energized to take on the day. It was 7am. She didn't have to get up this early but she wanted to get in some exercise and a nice warm bath before her meeting at 11. Before getting out of her bed, she lay on her side and gazed out the window that has an amazing view of the Empire State building. She stayed like that for at least five minutes or so. She does this every day and it's one of her permanent morning routines. Someone from her past did the exact same thing also whenever they slept over at Taylor's. That's how she learned of this habit and can't seem to shake it off since. Whoever it was, they definitely had a strong influence on her for her to do the exact same thing every morning.

She got into her workout outfit and started stretching her body. She then got on the treadmill and started slow. Soon, she picked up her pace and was running as fast as she could. The machine indicates to her that she burned off 500 calories that morning. She lost track of time and exercised more than she intended to.

As she was about to head to the bathroom, she noticed out of the corner of her eye that something was wrong. Or rather something was untouched. She looked over at Olivia's bowl again and she was sure that there was still almost the same amount of biscuits that she left the night before. She looked over at Olivia who was laying on the couch and she started to get a little bit worried. It's true that Olivia does not eat her food right away sometimes but she has never left it untouched till the next day.

Anxious that there might be something wrong with her cat, she immediately called her local vet and asked for an appointment this afternoon. Unfortunately for her and Olivia, her vet, Dr. Harris was out of town and won't be back till next Thursday. The nurse on the other line, however, noticed Taylor's panicked voice and quickly referred her to another vet who's a friend of Dr. Harris. 

"That's the address of the animal clinic and look for Dr. Karlie Kloss," said the nurse. 

"Thank you so much for your help. Bye."

Taylor hung up and quickly dialed another number on her phone. She made an appointment to see Dr. Kloss right away and told Spencer that she wants to go to an animal clinic nearby. She hands him a small piece of paper with the address of the clinic on it. He was a bit puzzled and reminded her about her meeting. "Oh crap! I was so worried about Olivia that I forgot about it completely. It's okay. I'll have it postponed." Taylor said to Spencer as she was packing some of her essentials into her purse.

Soon, they were out of the door and into the car. Spencer knew just how much Taylor cares for her cats so he drove faster than usual. Once they arrived, she quickly made her way into the clinic and she noticed many other people were waiting to see the doctor also. Some of them suddenly looked at her with wide eyes and a surprised look. But she couldn't be bothered about that right now. She went up to the nurse and said it was an emergency. The nurse went back to one of the rooms and came back a few seconds later. "The doctor will see you after this." Taylor smiled at the nurse and all she could do now was wait patiently.

After what felt like forever, even though it has only been 10 minutes, a customer came out of the examination room and the nurse quickly signaled Taylor to go in. Once inside, Taylor scanned the room and she noticed the back of the doctor who was dressed in a white coat going through some paperwork. She was blonde and in heels. Taylor was amazed by her though she haven't really seen her face properly. For a second there, she completely forgot why she was in the animal clinic.

"Doctor, Taylor is here with her cat Olivia to see you," said the nurse. The doc finally turned around, flipping her hair to the right and she was stunned when she saw her. Taylor felt the same way too. Both of them stood there in silence just gazing into each other's eyes. 

However, their eye contact was interrupted when Olivia lets out a small purring sound and the nurse smiles awkwardly at the both of them. Karlie and Taylor were both taken back to reality.

(Comment below and lemme know what you guys think. If you guys like it, then only will I update more. Ps the first chapter is more of a build up to the story. It's a long intro I know.)

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