Chapter 6: A Late Dinner.

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The thought of being able to see Taylor again later made her ecstatic while both girls were playfully kissing each other on the lips till she remembered she made dinner plans with her sister tonight. "Oh shoot!" A serious look came across Karlie's face, making Taylor stop whatever she was doing. "What is it?" Taylor said while stroking the other girl's hair. "I have dinner plans with my sister, Kimberly tonight. And she'll get upset if I cancel on her again." "Again?" Taylor asked as she showed a puzzled look. Karlie felt awkward and worried as what she was about to say might upset Taylor a bit. "Umm yea, my friend set me up on a spontaneous blind date with this girl about a week ago, on the same day that I was supposed to have dinner with my sister." 

Karlie noticed a slight change in Taylor's expression but quickly reassured her. "I mean she was absolutely gorgeous and everything but my heart wasn't in it", Karlie continued, giving Taylor a cheeky smile. "I'm slightly jealous right now that you thought she was gorgeous." This time, it was Taylor who was pouting. "Aww why are you so cute? Seriously though." It was a little mean but Karlie couldn't help as she laughed at the older girl. "Okay, I really have to go now. Call me later?" Karlie said and as she was about to reach for the car door, Taylor pulled her back in for a quick kiss. "I take that as a yes?" Karlie's eyes was still closed and she was short of breath when she said those words.

After entering her clinic, she greeted all the nurses and they just looked at Karlie with the big smile that she got plastered on her face. All of them were dying to know who or what made Karlie even happier than she was usually. Karlie went on with her work day as usual but this time, she checked her phone more often. With every buzz her phone makes, she would giggle and act like a 16 year old who's in love with her high school crush. The nurses in the clinic would smile among each other every time they see the way Karlie reacts to her phone as they too have been in the same situation before. 

Meanwhile, after dropping Karlie off at the clinic, Taylor heads back to her place as she didn't have anything else on her itinerary for the rest of the day. As usual, at the entrance of her building, there are a handful of paps waiting patiently outside for her. However, given that Taylor had a great time with Karlie today, she refused to let them ruin the rest of her evening. So when her car stopped right in front of her building, she got out, smiled at the paps, allowing them time to take pictures or videos of her as she slowly walked in the building. 

Once inside, she got in the elevator and it opened up to the lobby of her gorgeous penthouse within seconds. Too tired to care about anything, she dropped all her belongings on the key table and next to it, she placed her bag on the floor. Meredith and Olivia looked like they had a pretty long day too as they both ignored Taylor as soon as she walked in. It was such a crazy day. So she decided to jump into the bathroom to take a quick shower. After getting all cleaned up, she then blow dried her hair so she could take a nap and feel more energized for whatever plans that might suddenly pop up tonight. She sent out one last text to Karlie before she finally dozed off.

Back in the clinic, Karlie was also really exhausted from all the excitement that they had earlier but thankfully, she was almost done for the day. A couple more paper work to handle and some urgently in need of her signature. She definitely couldn't wait to get back to her place and just relax in her bathtub, while listening to her favorite music before dinner with her sister.

Usually Karlie would be the one waiting for her sister to arrive at the restaurant. Not that Kimberly is always late. But Karlie prefers to arrive a bit earlier for all her appointments. This time, it was a bit different. Kimberly arrived on time and waited 20 minutes for her sister. "It's about time, Karlie!" said Kimberly who was clearly displeased with her sister's unusual tardiness. "I'm so so so sorry sis. I had a long day today. I lost track of time and fell asleep in the bathtub when I got home." Thank god for Karlie that her sister doesn't stay mad for long. "Come on. Let's order. I'm buying." Karlie and her sister would generally fight at the end of the meal over who gets to pay the bill. However, Kimberly thought Karlie should pay for dinner tonight as a form of punishment. "Of course you're buying since you made me wait while I was starving." Kimberly smiled as she said that and quickly glanced through the menu. 

The waiter came over and quickly took their order. He finally came back after a few minutes with a specific bottle of red wine that was ordered and a plate of appetizer. Over the years, it has become a habit to order red wine whenever she has dinner with any of her sisters. It always seems more fun to have one or two glasses with her sisters while catching up or simply gossiping about their mutual friends. Ever since moving to New York, she missed her family terribly everyday. Thankfully, they always made time to see one another, even if it's over a short meal.

"So, what's up Karlie? You're usually never late. What or should I say who has been making you this tired? Cause I know for a fact that you only work half-day on Saturdays." Kimberly said as she raised an eyebrow, waiting tentatively for Karlie to reply. Karlie who was clearly shocked for a moment at the question but she knew she couldn't lie to her sister even if she wanted to. She and her sisters have been really close since they were kids and she always felt like she could tell them anything. "So, I've been seeing someone. And it's still fairly new. Nothing serious." Karlie was super coy about everything. She kept her head down but her lips gave her away as she couldn't help but smile. All she could think about now was Taylor. 

"I KNEW IT! So who is it? Tell me, tell me!" Kimberly was obviously too excited for her sister that she couldn't compose herself. Some of the neighboring tables were looking at them but Kimberly was too distracted at that point to even care or notice them staring at her. A small red blush was starting to form around Karlie's cheeks but she wasn't embarrassed because she knew her sister so well and predicted that she would react this way. Karlie can't help but wonder how her sister would react next, when she finally tells her who exactly she's been seeing. 

(Sorry for the delay but here it is! Yay!!! As always feedback is important. Let me know what you guys think. I'll try to post regularly like how I used to since I have quite a bit of time on my hands now. Thanks for reading and have a great day.)

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