Chapter 26: A Little Black Dress.

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As the cab passes through traffic smoothly, Karlie looked out of the window as she watched the buildings, cars and pedestrians pass by. Her mind still blank, trying to figure out her next move with Taylor. But before she could do that, she needs to think of a way to get pass Taylor's doorman and security team if they're present. Before the cab approached the familiar building once again, Karlie quickly told the driver to stop at the corner of the street to avoid being seen by anyone who could possibly recognize her. She stood on the pavement, cracking her brain, trying to think of a plan. There were only two ways she could do this. She could either play it off like Taylor gave her a key to the singer's place to wait for her. Or she could sneak to the back of the building and enter from there instead, hoping no one is there to catch her. 

After much consideration, she decided to choose the latter instead because if Taylor's security team was there, they would probably inform Taylor first that she was coming up to see her. And that would've tipped her off or spooked her away. So she decided against that and this way Taylor has no idea Karlie is at her place and she's forced to talk to her. The singer wouldn't be able to run away for sure this time.

At first, the back door was locked. Karlie tried over and over again to get it opened without making too much noise. When she was about to give up, a miracle happened. The door opened and someone came out using that door, not noticing Karlie at all, not too far away. She quickly ran towards the door, getting it just in time before it was about to close shut again. She got inside and walked slowly, carefully checking everywhere before she moves. She cracked open the lobby door a little to see if anyone was out there. She spotted one of Taylor's men and also the building's doorman. While they were busy talking to each other with their backs facing Karlie, she ran to the staircase on the opposite side that connects to each floor of the building.

She wanted to buy herself some time to think about what to say and how to make it all better again with Taylor. So she walked up 5 flights of stairs. But the truth is she didn't know how to make it all better. Yes, she knew she made a mistake, not telling Taylor what was going on in the first place. And the only thing she could think of to say to Taylor was that she's really sorry that she kept it a secret. She just hopes that Taylor forgives her for being an idiot. But then what's next? Should she fly out with Derek to see Toni? But what does that mean for Taylor and her and where does it leave them? Should she invite Taylor along? Would Toni be happy to see them all? And why did Toni ran away after that night? Was it because of Taylor? All these questions popped up in Karlie's head, one after another, causing the younger girl to almost miss a step.

Karlie wanted so bad to be there for the both of them. Her girlfriend who she really loves and admire and also her friend whom she'd known for a really long time and still cares deeply about. She stopped in her tracks for awhile, covering her face with her hands, as if trying to wipe all her thoughts away.

She was on the 6th floor when she finally stopped thinking and took the elevator instead. She figured she'd know what else to say when she sees Taylor face to face in person. Finally, she reached the top and walked out of the lift, gripping tightly on the key that she had with her eyes focused on Taylor's door. Slowly, she unlocked the door and was greeted by two of her favorite cats, Meredith and Olivia. They were circling Karlie and grazing her legs gently while purring softly. Karlie called out for Taylor but there wasn't any answer. Not even after the third or fourth try. She figured she was still out and decided to sit on the couch to wait for her till she gets back. 

A few hours passed and Karlie got restless waiting. She tried calling the older girl multiple times before but it all went straight to voicemail. She then turned on the tv and scrolled through the channels to keep herself busy and entertained to kill time. In the back of her mind, she knew she would probably have to wait all day or maybe longer but she wasn't going to give up. This was her only chance of seeing her girl and talking to her without any chance of being avoided. As if they knew Karlie was upset, Meredith and Olivia simultaneously jumped up onto the couch to cheer Karlie up and an instant smile was seen across the younger girl's face.

The next morning...

Karlie was still fast asleep on the couch when suddenly she woke up to loud noises outside of Taylor's door. She slowly got up, still groggy from her sleep and walked towards the door, almost knocking over the lamp. But before she got to the door, it swung open and there were 3 beautiful half drunk girls walking in, with mini skirts and a little black dress. One of them was Taylor and the others Karlie couldn't recognize.

"Taylor, someone is in your house," one of the twins stated.

"I'm Karlie, Taylor's girlfriend," Karlie answered, quickly identifying herself.

"Oh she didn't mention anything about a girlfriend last night," the other twin answered this time.

"Well, she has one. And I can take it from here. Thanks," Karlie replied snarkily and grabbed Taylor's arm and placed it around her neck. The twins immediately backed off not wanting any drama, especially this early in the day. As Karlie was about to bring Taylor to the bedroom, she saw the twins leaving and closing the door behind them.

Halfway through the bedroom, Karlie carried Taylor because the older girl wasn't cooperating at all, fighting her best to push Karlie away. She quickly placed Taylor on her side of the bed, took off her shoes and covered her body with the sheets.

Once she was comfy under the sheets, she stopped moving and almost instantly fell into a slumber. Karlie closed the drapes and looked back at Taylor, head tilted slightly. She couldn't help but adore her beauty even in this messy drunk state. The smile that was on Karlie's face instantly swept away when she wondered what's going to happen between them.

A/N: I hope my past few chapters (or all of them) haven't been too sloppy. I just can't wait to finish this story. I won't say why here to avoid any hate or backlash but if you wanna know, message me privately. As always thanks for the lovely comments and remember to vote. It means a lot. Hope you enjoyed reading.

Update! The reason I want to finish this chapter asap is now revealed at the comments section. Go have a look before assuming to know it all. Thank you.

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