Chapter 20: A Brief Silence.

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There was a brief silence in the room. Taylor looked back and forth at Karlie and Toni, all of them awkwardly smiling at one another. No doubt it was a new situation for the three girls. Thankfully, Karlie's sisters walk in right on cue to break the silence. Toni continued to stay in her seat at the living room couch as Karlie and Taylor went to the door to help them with their bags.

"Hey guys, I want you to meet Taylor," Karlie said after hugging her sisters and putting their bags aside.

"Taylor, these are my sisters, Kristine, Kariann and that's Kimberly." Karlie continued.

The 3 sisters froze in their steps, completely star-struck for a moment, trying to comprehend the fact that the one and only Taylor Swift was in their home. Kristine and Kariann had their jaws dropped. Kimberly knew beforehand that her sister was dating Taylor, so she wasn't as star struck compared to her other sisters but nevertheless just as eager to meet her in person.

"Hi, Taylor! Nice to meet you! Kimberly said as Taylor went in for a hug.

Kristine and Kariann just smiled brightly as they told Taylor they're huge fans of her music in unison. The group broke out into a laughter as the two sisters mirrored each other's words.

Soon the 3 sisters were upstairs unpacking all their clothes and getting settled in. Toni went into the kitchen to greet Karlie's parents, leaving Karlie and Taylor to their own in the living room.

"Babe, are you going to be okay with this? Karlie asked, concerned about Taylor feelings as she held her hand reassuringly.

"I mean I'm not gonna lie. I think it's a bit awkward, your current and ex-girlfriend in the same room, with your family. But Toni is really close with your family. And she seems nice. So maybe I should get to know her a little bit better too?" Taylor asked with a raised eyebrow, wondering if Karlie thought it's a good idea.

"Only if you're comfortable with it. Can I just say that you're seriously the best, Taylor." Karlie beams at her girlfriend and leans in for a long smooch.

Toni was in the hallway as she overheard their entire conversation. She didn't mean to eavesdrop but when she heard her name being mentioned she was curious as to what they were saying about her. Hearing Karlie compliment Taylor hit Toni more than she'd like to admit. Those words were painfully familiar to her ears. Then she remembered a familiar scenario a few years back when they were still an item, Karlie said almost those exact same words to her. Seeing Karlie happily moved on, made her think back about their old sweet memories together. Deep down, that chapter in her heart isn't fully closed yet. But Toni was being naive when she thought if she denied it enough, it would go away someday.

Toni was brought out of her thoughts when she felt a tap on her shoulder. It was Kimberly.

"Hey, you okay Toni?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," replies Toni, flashing a polite smile back to Kimby. Kimby smiled back and reassuringly comforting her with a light squeeze on her arm.

Too engrossed in their little sisterly banter, Kristine and Kariann were oblivious to Kimby and Toni standing in the hallway and just walked right into the living room, catching Karlie and Taylor off guard with their lips still attached to each other.

"Geez, get a room guys!" Kristine teased the inseparable couple while her other sister laughed.

Both girls giggled shyly. Hearing those words made Taylor's cheeks a bright red tomato color and she just buried her face into Karlie's neck with a wide grin, holding on to the taller girl's body in a similar fashion of a koala.

Karlie wrapped her arms around Taylor, protecting her in a way from all the cheeky comments.

"Ha ha ha, very funny you guys! You both are the same with your boyfriends also," Karlie argued.

Kimby heard the light commotion and went into the living room.

Toni followed suit.

Kimby was soon filled in on the happenings in the living room, with Toni standing next to her.

Feeling slightly out of place, Toni decided not to join them after all.

"Hey, guys! I think I should go home. I'm tired and I don't want to intrude on your family night."

Karlie felt bad and immediately spoke up. "Don't be silly, Toni. You're not intruding."

Taylor chimed in and said, "Yeah, come on. Just join us for dinner. It'll be fun."

Taylor's words still no doubt surprised Toni, not sure what she should do now.

"Thanks, guys but I'm really tired from the flight, with all the babies crying on board."

After declining their lovely offer, Toni heads back to the kitchen again to say goodbye to Kurt and Tracy.

With all her sisters busy surrounding Taylor, asking her lots of questions which the singer is more than happy to answer, Karlie walked Toni out the door as a cab waited patiently outside.

"Toni, I'm sure you would have joined us for dinner if Taylor wasn't here. I'm sorry."

"Oh gosh, don't be silly Karlie. I am really tired, believe me. And I'm sure there are plenty of chances for us all to hang out together some day," said Toni firmly.

Both girls went in for a goodbye hug. Toni got carried away with that embrace and it's not only because Karlie gives great hugs with an additional small rub on the back. With her eyes closed, she hoped it would last longer for her to remember Karlie's favorite perfume scent and the feeling of her warm body.

The hug wasn't a normal one. It was longer than any other usual hug. At least, that's what Karlie thought.

Toni finally realized what was happening and quickly snapped out of it.

"Oh god! I'm sorry. See, I told you I was tired."

Toni explained, trying to justify her weird unusual behavior. With that said, she quickly grabbed her bags and practically sprinted to the cab, doing her best to avoid any other questions that Karlie might ask.

Toni got in and told the driver her destination. As the car started pulling away, Toni waved goodbye to Karlie and she waved back. When she figured her cab wasn't in clear sight anymore, she looked back and saw Taylor hugging Karlie at the footsteps of the front door. The singer also gave a light kiss to the taller girl before going back inside the house, arm in arm together. Toni turned back her head, facing forward and a tear started forming around her eyes. Realizing her situation, she took a deep breath and wiped her tears off immediately before it could fall to her cheeks.

(Hello, it's me. Hahaha okay, jokes aside. Here's an early Christmas present to all my readers and also sincerest apologies for my month long hiatus. It wasn't because I was busy with life or studies, though both are pretty stressful at times. I just needed a well-deserved break from almost everything. Sorry for the delay. I do hope everyone is doing great and that your interest in this story is still strong and very much alive. Remember to vote and comment below any of your thoughts. Hope you guys liked it. Thanks for reading!!! Have a great day and happy holidays! Stay safe and take care.)

Ps: This is not and it's never going to be a Torlie fan fiction. Just saying, in case some of you thought I was heading in that direction.

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