Chapter 5

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I was sitting at lunch the same day after the game, playing with my food while thinking to myself about everything that had happened the last week. Well, you can say that it was the most hectic week I have lived since I came here! A lot of things had happened in just a few days and I needed to progress them. Especially the fact that Percy had been chosen for a quest! It was the only thing that was being discussed after the game, and people had many theories about what Poseidon actually wanted him to do, but I still had no idea. I mean, what had happened that Poseidon needed Percy to do? Was it something bad? Was the world of the gods in danger, and why did he need a child to solve his problems?

 I saw a person sitting next to me by the corner of my eye, and I came back to reality. I turned around to come across Annabeth, who was now putting her bag next to her

" So, what is going on inside your head?" She asked, looking at me confused before she started eating, and I sighed. I rested my head in my palm and continued playing with my food while looking at Luke a few tables away from us flirting with a girl from his team and laughing about how they won

" Nothing, I am just thinking" I said before I drank some water from my glass, still not taking my eyes off them. Annabeth followed the direction that my eyes were looking and realized to whom I was giving all those glares for the past ten minutes

"You know that Luke may flirt with every single girl in this camp, but he has eyes only for one" She said before I turned to her with a confused look on my face not getting what she meant by that, why was everyone speaking with riddles today? But before I was able to ask her anything about what she meant by her phrase, I saw her looking around for someone 

"Hey Peter" She said before a boy who was just getting his lunch turned in our direction. He was Peter Sallow and the son of Aphrodite, but also the crush of the camp's half population. It was heard a long time ago that he used to have a thing for me, but I knew that Clarisse was kidding when she told me! Or was that what I thought?

"Hello, pretty ladies! What I can do for you?" The blonde boy asked, and before we continued, let me explain the reasons I didn't like Peter Sallow, not even a little bit! Firstly, he has a huge ego which makes him brag about being the son of the goddess of beauty, but he is also really dumb. I watched him sit down in front of us, and he spilled his juice as he did. I picked up my journal so it wouldn't get wet by his orange juice and shoved it in my bag just as Annabeth was cleaning the mess he made because he didn't seem to do anything about it. I looked at Annabeth when she finished cleaning the juice with the why-would-you-call-him look, but she just ignored me and smiled at Peter, who was now playing with his spoon

"So Peter, you were telling me this morning about how you wanted to start a conversation with Hyacinth about how good she is in archery" She said and Peter smiled before he started saying how good-skilled I was and Annabeth flashed me a smile before she stood up. I looked at Peter, who changed the subject in two seconds and started talking about how he felt about being the most handsome boy in the camp. I started crying inside me and wanting to get up and leave, but I was too kind for that and instead stayed there and listened to him talking non-stop about his good-looking face. I gave Annabeth a deathstare as I watched her walk away and rest my head in my palm in pure disbelief because I knew there was nothing I could do to make him stop talking 


Annabeth walked towards the table where Luke, Chris, and Percy were sitting and sat next to Percy, not facing the table where Hyacinth and Peter were. She got confused looks from the three boys, and also a glare from the blonde girl that was sitting between the two brothers.

"What makes you stop by?" Chris asked, looking confused at Annabeth who had just started eating her meal again before she pointed with her head to the table where she was previously sitting 

" Sallow wanted to talk with Hyacinth alone" She said trying to play it cool and not laugh as Luke ignored the girl next to him and looked towards Hyacinth who was looking at Peter with a kind smile trying to hide how she wanted to get up and leave

"Why? What do they have to talk about?" He asked, still looking at the couple, and Annabeth just shrugged her shoulders." I think he said something about wanting to tell her how pretty and good at archery she is" Annabeth said and when Chris opposite her realised what she was doing he decided to play along

" Well, I once heard that he indeed had the biggest crush on her and I personally believe they will look good together, don't you guys think?" He said before Luke gave him a death stare that made him stop saying anything else. Chris changed a knowing look with Annabeth when they realized that what they were doing was indeed working. Percy next to them had no idea what was going on because of how lost he was in his thoughts about the entire quest thing and what his dad wanted for him. But he looked up, confused, when Luke stood up from the table. He made his way toward the table that now Hyacinth was standing up because she had finished eating and gave Luke a confused look when she saw him walking toward her

"Can we talk?" He asked, clearly ignoring Peter, who had started complaining at him for interrupting their talk. Hyacinth looked at him confused before she started walking away because she knew that all that Luke wanted was to brag about how he won today's game!

" Listen, I am too tired to hear you talking about how it felt to beat me! How about we leave this for another time?" She said, walking away and putting her plates where everyone else did when they finished their lunch. Luke followed her across the cafeteria and crossed his arms. Every single demigod that was having their lunch was now looking at the pair who was talking in front of the pile of dirty dishes. " Oh I am sorry, did I interrupt your talk with Sallow? I didn't know you guys were friends or even had a thing going on" Hyacinth turned to him when he finished his sentence, and she looked pissed at his words! How could he say something like that when he was the one who was flirting with someone else after he went to kiss her the same morning?

"Listen to me Castellan at least I wasn't the one who went to kiss you and then went to flirt with the- I don't know her name!" Hyacinth said, whispering so people around them wouldn't hear. She was feeling jealousy rise inside her, but she wasn't going to give Luke the satisfaction that she cared about who he was talking to. She sighed when she realized Luke wasn't going to say anything else and just looked at the floor. Luke relaxed when he realized that Hyacinth didn't talk with Peter just because she wanted to and smiled because he knew that deep down she felt jealousy like he did when he saw her socialize with other guys and not him

" Go to the blondie because she looks like she will kill me if you stay here another minute" She said, pointing with her eyes to the blonde girl that was flirting with Luke a few minutes ago and was now glaring at her 

" A few minutes ago, I thought that you were going to kill her" He admitted while looking at her with a small smile on his face. Annabeth was right when she said that Luke had his eyes for only one girl because while blondie flirted with him, he hadn't taken his eyes off Hyacinth who was sitting a few tables away. Hyacinth may not know that, but that girl that Annabeth talked about it was her! Everyone in the camp knew that Luke Castellan was in love with Artemis's only daughter, everyone expect Hyacinth who had no idea about it and was going to deny it every time someone brought it up in a conversation 

" Can we go somewhere that it will be just the two of us, little fleur?" He asked, taking Hyacinth's arm, making her look at him and everyone in the cafeteria was looking at the pair in awe waiting to see what was going to happen. Will it be finally the time that they will confess their hidden love for one another? Hyacinth's blue eyes locked with Luke's brown ones while he was waiting for her answer, holding her arm with his warm hand and rubbing it slowly while she was looking at him and trying to process what he had just asked her. But she didn't think much of it and just took her arm from his grip and looked at the floor again, trying to hide the blush on her cheeks

" I have things to do" She said, walking away and Luke watched her as she disappeared into the woods towards her cabin. He wanted to follow her, grab her, and kiss her when no one else was watching, but he knew that if Hyacinth didn't want to, then he wasn't going to make her love him

"If you love something, let it go, if it comes back to you, it's yours, if it doesn't, it never was." 

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