Chapter 7

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I was standing in the circle looking at Percy, who was looking around trying to choose two people that were going to accompany him on his quest! I knew that he wasn't going to choose me and to be honest for some reason I didn't want to go either. The reason was that something inside me made me feel needed here in the camp, but I couldn't figure out why. What could happen in the camp, and I was needed? Luke was standing just a few metres away from me and I could feel his eyes burning at the side of my head, but I didn't dare to look his way. We haven't talked since what happened yesterday, and I was too embarrassed to start a conversation with him just like that and pretend that nothing was going to happen. Like he never held my hand the way he did, or he never kissed my cheek the way he did or even the way his lips brushed against mine so he would just tease me like it did. I don't know why he liked teasing me like that, but I didn't. Okay maybe I did but deep down 

After Percy made his decision, I walked back to my cabin and tried to avoid talking to anyone, especially Luke, who tried to follow me when he saw me walking away. I ignored him when he called my name and when he was walking next to me trying to get my attention, but he finally took it just before I entered my cabin with the words that left his mouth 

"Have you dreamed about him too?" He asked, and I turned around looking at him confused, "Dreamed about what?" I asked, looking a bit taken aback by his question because I didn't expect him to ask me this after what almost happened yesterday

"You know what I am talking about little fleur" He said before pausing and taking a step closer to me "The man in the black hood the one who is promising you to answer all your questions" He said, and I closed my eyes remembering the dream I had yesterday but all the others I had the past week. I mean, there are just dreams, right? There is no way this could mean anything!

" There are not just dreams Hyacinth they have a meaning" He said, and I opened my eyes to look at him before I nodded negatively while disagreeing with what he said

"Dreams are just dreams and no one I mean no one can give me the answers that I am looking for, so I can finally solve the problems that I have been dealing with for half my life, not even a black hood freak! Luke, I have been trapped in here for eleven freaking years with no friends, no family, and no future and if I can't change it then not even a figure that I dream of once a week can do it" I said, and he took my hand while looking deep into my eyes with a serious but reassuring look on his face "Then let's change that" He said now holding both of my hands meaning what he was saying " We can get the answers we are both willing for and fight for our futures if we listen to him" He said and my eyes widened at his words trying to understand if he was kidding with me or being serious. Who was the person he was talking about? Who was that "he" that appeared to almost every single one of my dreams just to convince me to follow him?

"Luke, are you serious?" I asked looking at him with concern, wondering if he got mad or something, but his face looked too serious for him to be lying to me "I am, little fleur! Let's look for the answers together, and let's take revenge on the people who took our childhoods away from us! Don't you think that would be what your father would want?" He said, and I let go of both of his hands while looking at him with an angry look on my face and tears in my eyes. The fact that he brought up my father so he could convince me to do whatever he was thinking made me mad

"Don't you dare bring my father up again, not ever again" I said before entering my cabin and closing the door on his face. I heard him knocking on the door and apologizing for his behaviour over and over again, but it was too late. I was mad at him, and I didn't even know the reason why I was! Did I just get mad at him for talking about my dad, or because he was trying to pursue me about something by mentioning him? I don't know why, but even the thought of my father made me want to scream. The image of him standing in the living room of our old house not moving made me tear up even more and images of that horrible night of my life kept coming in my head. I wanted them to stop! I wanted this memory to be gone forever! I just wanted to live my life like a normal teenager but the night that my father died my whole life turned upside down, and I was forced to have a title that I didn't even ask for in the first place!


I heard my name being called and ignored Luke from outside the door, but then I heard him calling my name again 


I got mad and stood up before I angrily opened the door, but I didn't find anyone standing from the other side of it. Instead, I came across something I wish I never did. My eyes came across a picture that I would not even want to witness, not even in my wildest dreams

The whole camp was on fire

Screams and yells were heard from around me and I looked toward the Hermes cabin which had been burned to the ground. I looked at the place where it used to be, the old cabin, and tears filled my eyes before I ran towards it.

"Luke" I screamed so loud that my voice was the only thing that was heard against the noises that the fire was making while burning the place once was the camp before. But I didn't care that my only home was being destroyed. My only concern was to find him, to find Luke. As long as he was alive, then nothing else mattered to me

"Luke" I screamed again with tears running down and burning my cheeks and when I heard footsteps behind me, I turned around in the hope of seeing him. But instead of the tall black hair boy that I couldn't hide my love for, I found the same black hood man standing opposite of me 

" You do care for that little thief, don't you?" He asked, and I completely ignored his words, not paying attention to what he said because that wasn't my concern at the moment

"Where is he?" I asked with tears, regretting the fact that I left my cabin without my bow in case I needed to defend myself

"You asked" The man said showing his finger towards somewhere and for a minute I hesitated to look that way but when my eyes fell on Luke's unconscious or dead body on the ground I fell on my knees next to him and put the hand on my face. I tried so hard not to scream, and I don't even know how I managed not to. With my other hand, I touched his face and felt more tears run down my cheeks, not wanting to believe that it was him lying in front of me 

" That Hyacinth is the near future and what will happen if a war starts between the gods. You will lose him, and it is written in your prophecy that one of you will die in the end. So if you want to change the future you will have to make the right choices" The man said before I woke up from another horrible nightmare 

"Choose your last words, this is the last time,                                                                                                   'cause you and I, we were born to die"

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