Different place Same type of People

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*The Story begins in Adams office as Y/N is voicing his concerns*

Adam: "Listen here Dipshit I don't care what your opinion is on it we're going down there to slay some DEMON ASS!" *Proceeds to play a riff on his guitar*

Y/N: "But I mean it's so Inhumane how we treat the demons sure they're demons and all" *Lays on couch* "But there still people ya' know, it just ain't Right."

Adam: "Says the Jazz loving, Soft Rock, Tard!"

Lute: *Chuckles* "Good one Sir!"

Y/N: "Lute you're one to talk you literally mailed me a demons heart for Valentine's Day! I know men can't take hints but that was either saying you like me or it's a cry for help! And what exactly does music preference have to do with it? And just for the Record No wonder Lilith left you for Lucifer you herpes infested Cumd-"

*As he was about to finish the insult he had planned, Adam being the Asshat he is decided to open a direct portal to hell using his "Holy powers"*



Y/N: "Motherfucker! Bitch took my wings! Wait, Wait, Wait a moment am I where, I think I am? Ok now this is just cruel! Dude really sent me down to hell cause I was saying facts!" *Takes out phone* "Adam, you're gonna get a motherfucking earful!"

Adam's POV

Adam: Finally peace and quiet I'll just pick that cocksucker up during this year's extermination tomorrow! *Insert Douchy Ringtone* Uhhh! Hello?


Adam: Calm down, taint stain you'll come back to heaven don't worry!

Y/N: Listen here commander in queef! What happens if I wanna stay here huh? What's gonna happen?

Adam: Well what would happen if one of my best exterminators would affect I would look like a fool, and you wouldn't want me looking like a fool would you?

Y/N: "Yes, Lick my balls while you're at it" *Hangs up*


Y/N: "FUCK IT! God I know your responsible
For my creation but I renounce my belief in you! AHHH, I feel better already!"

Demon: "RUN!!! The Exterminators came early"

Y/N: "No, uhh! What ring of hell am I even in?"*Spots cannibals devouring a corpse* "Ok Pride great!! Hopefully I don't get smited by Lucifer!"
*Opens Phone* "Hold up, Hold up, Is is what I think down. Here is what I think available since I'm down here!" *Voxtagram download starts* "Awesome! Now I need something other than these tattered Rock n Roll rags! Ooh, Rosie's and Franklin's Emporium! Wait isn't Rosie an overlord?"

*Inside The Emporium "Somethin' Stupid" by Frank Sinatra is playing*

Y/N: "Hmmm, Classy little joint!" *You say while checking out a 3 piece suit in your size*

???: "Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place and have a drink or two
And then I go and spoil it all by saying somethin' stupid like," "I love you"

*You heard a voice that could Rival even the most experienced angle in the Holy choir of Heaven, but when you found the source of the noise you were shocked to say the least!*

Y/N: "I can see it in your eyes, that you despise the same old lies you heard the night before
And though it's just a line to you, for me it's true, and never seemed so right before"

Rosie: "Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't hear you Wa-"

*Rosie POV*

Rosie: *Thinking* An Exterminator that can talk and isn't hostile towards Demons? Interesting?
*Talking* Hello good sir how may I help you today?

Y/N: "I have recently came down to hell after my dickhead of a boss Adam cast me down here! The time I am down here I want to learn about you guys! And I'm in dire need of some new clothes as-well! I have the required amount of Souls of course!"

Rosie: "Then by all means Sir! Enjoy your time browsing our selection!"


Y/N: *Thoughts* Meh I shouldn't dwell on it too much but she was too nonchalant about me being an Angel?

Rosie: Say? Why did your boss throw you down here?

Y/N: Well originally, it was just to teach me a lesson on how we should commit mass territorial genocide! But after I being stubborn made the choice to tell him to shove it and I don't know what's going to happen! *Places clothes on counter* By the way! That singing rivals any experience, angel in gods choir!

Rosie: *Blushes* Oh um, thank you! Your total is 276 Souls!

Y/N: Here you go! *Hands money* *Walks to door* And by the way good luck for the extermination tomorrow me previously being an exterminator, I could tell ya' those bastards don't fuck around! I gotta go!

Rosie: Toodles! *Thinking* What a cute little Ang-

Y/N: Whoops! *laughs to himself* Forgot to change!

[Paused] "Angel Overlord" New Hazbin Hotel X MALE Exterminator ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now