Scrambled Eggs *Edited*

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Dad: "Why can't you be like your brother Y/N? He listens to everything I say and is always respectful of others!"

Y/N: "For once in your existence will you please stop comparing me to some Prophet! It's not like you spend any time with me and see what I enjoy!" *Sighs* "Just because I take after you doesn't mean I'll just magically act like you!"

Dad: "You're a son of God you're supposed to act in the way you're expected to be!" *Pats head* "So slap a smile on that face before I plaster one on!"

[We open with a shot of KeeKee asleep on the sofa, with Charlie, Vaggie and Razzle and Dazzle putting up a banner that reads "Happy first week, Sir Pentious!]

Charlie: "That looks perfect! Aah! I am so excited that Sir Pentious is staying at the hotel!"

Vaggie: "Um, Pentious was just trying to take over the city with his weird steampunk bullshit a few days ago."

Y/N: "Its the thought that counts!"

Charlie: "Well, I haven't seen him try to pull any of that here."

[Sir Pentious comes in, rolling in a new machine that his Egg Boiz are sitting on.]

Vaggie: "What the hell is that?"

Sir Pentious: "Oh, hello, purple female. It's my new invention, the Skin Flayer 11,000! I'm really looking forward to shooting the other residents."

Y/N: "Why am I not surprised"

Charlie: What? Why?

Sir Pentious: "Everyone is being too nice. Obviously it must be a lie. I can sense that they are planning to kill me, but when? How? I must be prepared! Ooh, the new parts of my machine are here."

[Odette and Clara come in, wheeling in boxes of weapons. Pentious runs over to them]

Odette: *holds out clipboard* "Sign, please."

[Sir Pentious signs the clipboard while Clara wheels in the boxes]

Odette: "Thank you for your business. Enjoy your Carmine purchase."

[Odette and Clara then spot Y/N immediately getting the look you would have if you saw a ghost! They then speed walked out of the lobby as Sir Pentious takes the crate full of parts and weapons for his machine. As he slithers back, Vaggie realizes whom he's buying from.]

Vaggie: "Carmine? As in Carmilla Carmine? You are buying parts from an overlord?"

Sir Pentious: "Uh, of course. She's the top weapons dealer in Hell."

Vaggie: "Okay, well that stops right now."

[Vaggie takes Pentious's boxes away.]

Sir Pentious: "Hey!"

Vaggie: "You absolutely cannot build weapons in this hotel. No one is trying to kill you. People are being nice because they want you to feel welcome."

[Sir Pentious looks at Vaggie with a wry expression. He peeks over his machine to scowl at the other residents and workers. The camera pans to Husk downing a bottle in the bar who flips off Sir Pentious. Angel Dust, standing near the bar on his phone, does the same. Niffty, who is dusting a corner of the wall, looks at him and does a sinister-sounding giggle, And Y/N just waves at him while sitting on the couch."

Sir Pentious: "Hmm, I have my doubts."

Vaggie: "Well, it's true. You have to trust us."

Sir Pentious: "But I don't."

[Paused] "Angel Overlord" New Hazbin Hotel X MALE Exterminator ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now