Operation Overlord

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[Y/N's house, the Lego room.]

Y/N: "Fordo contingency plan 5037, gather your men I need E-va-"

[The Comlink cuts off leaving an angry and determined Captain Fordo.]

Fordo: [Loudspeaker] "This is Alpha-77, Contingency plan 5037, General Y/N is in trouble prepare The Venator!"

[For context, Razzle and Dazzle's origins are Lucifer using magic to create bodyguards out of stuffed animals Y/N here used holy powers on Lego Clone troopers and Star Fighters.]


Y/N: "Uhhh Angel did You stick something in my drink?" *Groans* "If I find my dick being sucked Im a kill you dude!"

Lute: "What?"

Y/N: "Nothing! Wait Lute the fuck you doing? What am I doing?!"

[Looks around to find himself still in the court with the same Angels that appeared during Charlie's hearing.]

Lute: "Well today we're gonna find out what to do with your hot ass! And that blasphemous relationship with that whore you call Charlie and that traitor Vaggie! Did you know They're not even a Virgins?"

Y/N: [Mutters] "This bitch!" [Normal speaking] "Um Lute they love me and I love them! And that doesn't mean I love you any less!"

Lute: "Oh so you expect me to be some Cuck?!"

Y/N: "Not what I was implying I wa-"

Adam: "So this is how you treat women Y/N? Pathetic dude, I expected better from you!"

[Sera can be seen in the background looking annoyed at the three bickering on about something "Cuck"]

Sera: "Silence you three! Now Y/N due to your rank and status I am the only one along with the Father that can affect you in any way shape or form! You can either A. stay and await the marriage, Or B. Become Fallen! The Choice is yours!"

[She gives him the "Bedroom Eyes"]

Y/N: "Fuck you guys I'm becoming fallen Lucifer is more family than any of you taint stains! Except you Uncle Pete, your chill."

St. Peter: [Weakly shows a Thumbs up and then flies towards Y/N and Sera.]

Sera: "A. It is then, Peter will you do the Honors!"

Y/N: "You bastard, No wonder the Romans blamed you for that fire!"

St. Peter: "I only do the actions today to secure a better tomorrow!" [Opens Bible] "Yada-Yada -Yada! I know pronounce yo-"

[Suddenly Y/N turned into his demon form with his Halo shattering and Horns emerging from his fore head along with his eyes turning a blood red, For it was his pure rage and hatred toward his homeland that brought this power onto him.]

Y/N: [Breaking from the restraints that were placed upon his wrists] "You are the real demon's, glorified from the actions you took in the past! You choose not to end a genocide that wich you know is morally wrong!"

Sera: "What have they done to you?"

Y/N: "Opened my eyes! In Hell people love me some more than others! Maybe if you took the time to get to know me, maybe, maybe I would've accepted the marriage! But no, you didn't you chose to be selfish and only care about some job and rank!"

Sera: "There are things you don't know!"

Y/N: "Bitch I am the son of god! I'm supposed to know everything!" [Sees a Red and white figure give him a thumbs up] "Looks like it's my time to leave!"

[Paused] "Angel Overlord" New Hazbin Hotel X MALE Exterminator ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now