Undyne's Cooking Lessons (Oh no)

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Undyne: Alright, guys! Today we will be making spaghetti!

Mena (OC): Oh god...

Roy: Bring it on!

Jax: Hell yeah!!!

Undyne: First we will make the sauce. I have one tomato each in front of you. Instead of using a knife, imagine it as your worst enemy and smash it to pieces!!!

Mena: *stares at the tomato*

Roy and Jax: *smashing their tomatoes*

Undyne: *looks at Mena* Why you just staring at the enemy?! Punch it!!!

Mena: *pats the tomato*


Mena: *punches it*

Undyne: YEAHHHHH THATS THE SPIRIT!!! Now that all the tomatoes are smashed, we get our noodles and make the spaghetti!!! *throws 5 boxes of noodles on the floor and hits them with a shovel*

Mena: O_0

Roy and Jax: *throw a bunch of tomatoes on the floor and Undyne hits them with the shovel*

Undyne: *puts her shovel down and sets the "spaghetti" on fire*


Roy and Jax: UNDYNE YES

*4 minutes and 20 seconds later*

Undyne: It's ready! *throws the "spaghetti onto a plate*

Mena, Roy, and Jax: Umm...

Mena: That doesn't look like spaghetti...

Roy: Agreed.

Jax: I don't think you should eat th-

Undyne: *already eating the "spaghetti"*

Mena, Roy, and Jax: -_-

(Haha HowToBasic be like:)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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