Chapter 42

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Now it's time for Professor Raifort's class. She announces, "Greetings, my little students. Whatever you did yesterday, it is now a part of history. I was hoping to continue unraveling the marvels that history has presented to us today. However, I imagine your ability to concentrate has been spectacularly derailed by my midterm. I suppose changing things up for fun and variety may be a good idea every now and then. So allow me to tell you an old fairy tale that has been passed down in Paldea for generations."

Listening to a fairy tale in our History class catches us by surprise, but we're willing to see where this is going.

She continues, "Once upon a time, there was a king who very much enjoyed collecting treasure. He was particularly fond of treasures from other countries. One day, a merchant from the East heard rumors of this king and came to meet him. The merchant laid out four treasures in front of the treasure-loving king. The four treasures were as follows: a vessel, a sword, a set of tablets, and a set of beads. Seeing such rarities before him, the king leaped for joy. He showered the merchant with gold coins and claimed all four of the treasures for himself."

As I pay close attention to the story, Professor Raifort fixes her gaze on me once more and asks, "Aha. Perfect timing to make eye contact, young Florian. Answer me this... I said that one of the treasures was a "set of tablets." What do you think these tablets were?"

I hadn't expected to answer questions, but our numerous trips to the past have prepared me for such moments. "I think they're wooden planks that we can write things on."

"Correct! Your daily pursuit of knowledge serves you well. These particular tablets were wooden and used as a writing medium in the East in ancient times. As you may know, they fell out of popular use as paper became more universally available. For the king to consider these paper substitutes treasures, they must have been of superb quality. That, or perhaps they had some amazingly profound teachings written on them."

Professor Raifort continues the story, "So, the king obtained these four treasures, and on that very is said that a terrible disaster rained down upon his castle, reducing it to rubble by dawn."

Just then, the bell rings, and she sighs, "Oho, is that the time already? I wasn't done with my story, but alas. So ends today's lesson. If you are interested in how the story ends, you may come see me outside class hours."

After class, the six of us gather, and Serena suggests, "The four treasures sound quite mysterious. What do you all think about asking Professor Raifort to continue the story?"

"Sounds like a plan," Drandon agrees, and we all head to the library to locate Professor Raifort. As we find her, Professor Raifort exclaims, "Why, if it isn't Florian, Juliana, Golly, Drandon, Luke, and Lucine from class 1-A. Are you perhaps interested in the rest of the old tale I told you in class?"

"We want to know how it ends and we are also curious about the treasures ourselves," Luke replies.

"Heh. It is...convenient that you would take the bait I presented in class," She then invites us to sit at a nearby table as she continues the story, "A vessel, a sword, a set of tablets, and a set of beads... After obtaining these four treasures, the king's castle was destroyed. Why, you ask? Because these four treasures were actually four Pokémon!"

Of course, they have to be Pokémon, Legendary Pokémon to be precise. She continues, "As these Pokémon were passed from human hand to human hand as treasures, they slowly became tainted by hubris and greed. Finally, after coming in contact with the rapacity of the king at that time, they awakened as disasters and began to rampage out of control. The king called for renowned Pokémon wielders to defend the country and, after a fierce battle, these incarnations of disaster were quelled. It is said that these four Pokémon were then sealed away somewhere in Paldea."

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