Chapter 49

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Professor Raifort stands at the center of the stage, ready to begin her history lecture. She addresses the class with enthusiasm, "Greetings, my little students. Whatever you did yesterday, it is now a part of history. Today, we will continue to unravel the marvels that history has presented to us. I trust that you all remember our lesson before the midterm exam concerning the Great Crater of Paldea and its interior—Area Zero. This mysterious crater captured the imaginations of many—including the former Paldean emperor. Two hundred years ago, a group of explorers claimed to have finally reached its depths."

She delves further into the topic, "The name of the team that achieved this great feat was the Area Zero Expedition. The team is said to have been made up of Paldea's best and brightest. Skilled battlers, brilliant researchers—talented individuals of all kinds. Among the list of team members was the name of a man who was an author and brilliant natural historian: Heath. After returning from the expedition to Area Zero, he used his literary talent to record the events of the expeditions and publish them."

Professor Raifort then engages me with a smile, "Aha. Perfect timing to make eye contact, young Florian. Let's see if you were paying attention. What was the name of the team that first made it to the deepest reaches of the Great Crater?"

I confidently respond, "The Area Zero Expedition?" My answer reflects my understanding of the lecture material, though I'm unsure if it was explicitly mentioned in the lecture.

"Correct! To pick up on and remember a term I simply slipped into the flow of the lecture... You really are quite the clever one. The correct name for this team was the Area Zero Expedition! The record of their activities written by the expedition member Heath can be found in bookstores and the like even today."

Professor Raifort reveals a book, which appears similar to the Scarvio Book that Arven possessed. She explains, "This record is now known as the Scarvio Book. At the time, the entire region of Paldea was absolutely buzzing about Area Zero. The Scarvio Book was so popular that practically everyone had a copy. However, the book itself was full of fantastical descriptions and illustrations of things that could never be thought of as real. The masses began to call Heath a liar. Even the truth of the expedition making it to the bottom of the crater was called into question. The Scarvio Book was condemned to the shelves of used bookstores as just another book of wild paranormal stories. There's a copy on one of the bookshelves on the ground floor of the entrance hall. Feel free to have a read if you're interested."

As the bell rings, signaling the end of the lesson, Professor Raifort sighs, "Oho, is that the time already? I must've gotten swept up in filling your minds with knowledge. This ends today's lesson. We will unravel more of history's enigmas together next time." The class disperses, leaving us with a fascinating historical tidbit to ponder.

Alice offers her observation, "Your history teacher is... well, interesting?"

I respond with a chuckle, "Yeah, she sometimes picks me and Serena because of 'eye contacts,' but it's fine with me." I appreciate the interaction, even if it can be somewhat unconventional. "But learning about Paldea's history is quite fascinating, don't you think? Though we were getting closer to the present..."

Professor Salvatore and his Pikachu make their lively entrance to the Language Class. The professor greets the class enthusiastically, "My dear friends! How ARE you all today? I hope you are doing MARVELOUSLY well! It's time for another of Salvatore's Language Lessons! Êtes-vous prêts—are you ready?!"

The students respond with affirmative 'Yes' and 'Oui's, and Salvatore smiles, clearly pleased, "I would expect no less from my excellent friends! Even your replies to my questions are excellent! Aujourd'hui—today—we will once again be focusing on listening! Vas-y—go for it, my assistant! Pika pi, Pikachu!"

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