Grayson sicfics pt.2

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Jameson's POV

I was almost there. Almost ready to beat Avery in the little bet we had going.

If I found the clue that was hiding in the walls first, I got to kiss her first. If she found it first, she got to kiss me first. It might seem petty to some, but it was enough for us.

I was in the secret passageway that led from my room to the kitchen when my phone buzzed. Assuming it was Avery I pulled it out. It wasn't, it was Nash.

Nash: Need you in Grayson's room right now.

That was odd.

Me: Why? What's wrong?

Nash: Gray has passed out and is very hot. Can't seem to revive him.

Me: Be right there!

I quickly went from one passageway to the next. We all knew Grayson was over working himself, but it had never gotten this bad. I rushed into the bedroom to find Nash bending over our brother's still form.

His body red yet he looked pale at the same time. Nash turned around, relief spreading on his face when he saw me.

"Oh, good. You're here."

"What happened?" I asked.

"Don't know. He wasn't looking good this morning. I asked if he was doing alright, but you know Gray, he won't tell you how he really feels."

I scoffed. None of us were good at it. Probably dew to a mother never being around, fathers that wanted nothing to do with us, and a grandfather who liked to play with our brains. We were all fundamentally screwed up.

"Anyways," Nash continued. "I found him passed out in his office. That was almost ten minutes ago and he still hasn't shone any signs of waking up."

I nodded. "What do you want me to do?"

"We need to get him out of this suit and properly into bed." Right now my brother was laying on top of the black, silk quilted coverlet.

With the two of us working together, we were able to strip him down and then get him under the coverlet. He was so hot, that the top sheet only covered him for modesty sake, but that was it. Anything else would have spiked the fever more.

For the next thirty minutes we went back and forth with cold washcloths, placing them over Grayson's burning body. A doctor had been called and we hoped he would get here soon.

Grays was still out, but as we neared the hour mark he finally began to stir.

I held my breath, hoping he would finally wake up. And he did. Light blue eyes fluttered open. Shock and confusion contorting his handsome features.

Blinking up at us, he asked. "What in the world happened?"

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