Grayson sickfics pt.6

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Nash's POV

My heart in my throat, I ran back to Grayson's room. Xander was standing over, fear in his eyes.

"Thank God you came!" He cried out.

I quickly assessed the situation. "Go get Jameson." I ordered. "And call the doctor as well!" Xander out in a flash.

Grayson's temperature had certainly risen to an alarming pace. Wet washcloths weren't going to work. Time for plan B.

I rushed into the bathroom and started the tub with ice cold water. My plan was to hopefully shock the fever by surmesing him in cold water.

Jameson, Xander, and Avery arrived all at once. Jameson was at my side at once. "What are we going to do?"

"I have the bath going. You and I are going to put him the tub. I am hoping the cold water will cause the fever to fall back down." I turned Xander. "Did you call the doctor?"

"I did. He is on the way."

"Good." I went and checked on the tub. It was full enough. "Let's get him in there." I said, walking back into the bedroom. I gave Avery a look.

She got the message. Discretely, she removed herself from the room.

With the sheet covering his naked body, I picked him up. Jameson helped support me by holding Gray's legs. It didn't take long to get him in the tub, but even by the time we got there I was covered with his sweat.

For the next half hour, we watched him. I sighed in relief when his fever began to subside. By the time we pulled him out and put him back into bed, the fever was down to 101.8. That was still high, but not as high or dangerous as 104.6.

All throughout the ordeal in the tub, Grayson never woke up, or even noticed what was going on. Probably for the best. He would be very embarrassed knowing what we were doing.

I tired not to show my anger, but the doctor still hadn't arrived. He and I would be having words when he did show up.

I never cared about the money or the privileges that we had had. But having a doctor at our beck and call was one of those things that I did appreciate. Especially when it was one of my brothers who needed it. So he better show up, and soon.

Jameson had left to go tell Avery the news. It was just me and Xander then. "You think he will be alright?" He asked quietly.

"I looked at the sleeping form. Touching the still hot head, I placed a wet cloth over it. "I hope so kid. I really hope so."

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