Grayson sickfics pt.5

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Xander's POV

I tried not to show how worried I was when Nash told me about Grayson passing out and having a very high fever. I was relieved to hear that it was just from over working and he should be fine in a few days.

I had slept in, so that's why I got the news late. Max, Avery's best friend, and I stayed up late facetiming. She was still at collage and I was stuck at home.

She told me all about how collage was and I told her how life at Hawthorne House was doing.

As soon as I had heard the news, I was on his way to my brother's bedroom. Jameson must have left because no one was there except Grayson's sleeping form.

I sighed in relief as I watched the silent figure. Gray was sill very hot, but seemed to be okay.

I settled down beside him in a chair. Taking the wash cloth that was soaking in a cold bason of water, I wiped the burning forehead.

Staring blankly ahead, I remembered all the times I would come into Grayson's room at night to sleep with him.

I was plagued with awful nightmares as a child and I hated being alone in a big dark room by myself. Sometimes I went to Nash, but he snores really loud, so I would never get any sleep.

Jameson moved to much in his sleep, and he also talked to much. I just wanted someone who would listen but also give me comfort and security.

Gray did both.

He would grumble when I would show up at 2 in the morning, but he never kicked me out. He would throw back the covers and I would jump in. I was usually asleep within twenty minutes, and I would stay asleep till the morning.After a while I would stop waking him up and just crawl into the king sized bed. My brother's deep breathing was sometimes soothing to listen to as I tried to fall back asleep.

It wasn't loud like Jameson or a snore like Nash. It was a quiet, deep breath that repeated itself.

I don't know how long I was sitting there for before a thrashing sound alerted me back to the present.

Gray was moving back and forth in agitation. Though moving around like crazy, he was still asleep

I checked his fever to find it had skyrocketed at an alarming pace. What had been a low grade fever of 101 was now 104.7

I tried not lose myself as I quickly called Nash. He answered right away

"What do you need little brother." His thick Texan accent flowed through the phone.

"You need to get up to Grayson's room! His fever is dangerously high and he's starting to go into a delarium."

Nash hung up the phone and was in the room with me in no time. He took one look at the situation and then sprang into action. "Go get Jameson and call the doctor again." He ordered. "I will stay here and try to do what I can."

I sprinted to go get my other brother, all the while praying Grayson would be alright.

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