Grayson sickfic pt.1

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My day started like any other day. I wearily climbed out of my plush, king sized bed to my closet in the other room. I was always tired, never seeming to get enough sleep, but I was even more so today.

I pulled a thirty-thousand-dollar, jet black suit from off it's hanger. I slipped into it as easily as most people do a seat shirt and jeans. Going through my usually morning rituals of brushing my teeth, combing my hair, and shaving.

Staring at myself in the over sized mirror in my enormous bathroom, I noticed how red my face looked. I felt hot, which was no surprise since I am always hot. Placing the back of my hand to my burning forehead, I knew I had a fever.

Ignoring my aching limbs and feverish body, I proceeded downstairs to breakfast.

Everyone was already seated in the massive dining room. Hardly hungry, I nevertheless picked a few things and sat down.

Nibbling on a strawberry, I listened as Avery and Jameson talked about what they were planning to do for the day.

"I just know there is more secrets left to be found Heiress. I'm sure they're hidden in the walls."

"Really Jameson. We have checked several times and have found nothing."

"Well I am not giving up."

I drowned out their conversation. Some new mystery to be solved and both were eager to solve it first. They tried to pull me in, but I declined. I was tired of playing the old man's games.

"Are you alright?" Nash's southern drawl brought me back to reality.

"What?" I asked.

"I said are you alright? You don't look to good. Did you get any sleep last night."

I stiffened. I didn't need him babying me. "I'm fine." I replied curtly. Realizing that I wasn't going to eat anymore, I stood to leave. My legs shook and I almost fell back into my chair.

Nash cocked his head to the side. Concern appearing on his face. "Want to rectify that statement little brother?"

I bristled at his words. "No, I do not. I can take care of myself." And with that I left.

I returned to my office to get some work done. Sitting in the chair, I could feel myself getting shaker as time went on. Chills and body aches came with a sudden force. Felling sick to my stomach, I tried to stand, but my legs wouldn't move.

Trying not to panic I tried again to stand. I succeeded. I took a few steps toward the bathroom before my legs went totally out from under me. I fell, with my head banging against the floor. Everything went black.

Nash's POV

I watched as Grayson staggered out of the dining room. He was by no means alright, but I tried to respect his wishes by not interfering. He had always been like that, since he was very young. He didn't need my help. He could take care of himself just fine.

And he could, but he also needed to realize that it's ok to ask for help. Trying not to let it bug me, I joined Libby in the kitchen. For an hour we made and frosted over a hundred cupcakes.

"That was fun." I said, leaning down to give her a kiss.

"It was. We should do it more often."

"Yes." I agreed "we should." She went to go find Avery and I was left alone. My earlier concern for Grayson grew when he hadn't been seen in several hours.

I decided to check on him. Most likely it would end in him getting upset that I had to see how he was doing, but I didn't care. He was my brother and I cared about him.

I made it to his office within minutes. I knocked gently. "Gray? It's me, Nash. Are you doing alright?"

No answer. I knocked again, and then pushed open the door. I heart stopping sight lad before me.

Grayson was sprawled on the ground, still and stiff. Rushing to his side I turned him over. I chill went up my spine when I felt how hot he was. His breathing seemed fine, even though there was a small wound from where he fell.

I swooped him up in my arms, hardly realizing how heavy he actually was. Laying him gently on the soft bed, I quickly undid his collar and then got a cold wash cloth, draping it over his burning forehead.

I knew he wasn't doing well. He keeps over working himself, and now he is going to have to pay the price. I continue to cool his body with damp cloth while trying revive him at the same time.

Still nothing.

I realize it could be awhile before anything could happen. Trying not to panic, I pull out my phone.

It was time to call in reinforcements.

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