Chapter 5

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Yes she had a headache in morning " Ms min said and bittied her lips ...

And you Jimin" RM said in a stern voice ...

Ohh hyun..g  I ha..d, I had loose motion in the morning so I didn't go"Jimin was feeling shy to say that but this  idea was better than the punishment atleast so he said without thinking  anything  ....

then it's ok I understand, forgive him yoongi it is not his mistake but his stomach" jhope uttered while controlling his laugh ...

Yn hit again in Jimin's stomach and said "Wtf don't you have another excuse like seriously loose motion ewww and why I feel embarrassed huh"....

Shut up,if hyung knows that we missed it deliberately then hold your pride" Jimin whispered and hit on her leg ...

After sometime all went to their home  back ...

Yn  was sitting in  yoongi's room and checking his bag meanwhile Jimin was checking that no one comes ...

Did you find anything?" Jimin said while looking here and there ..

Not yet" yn mummbled and throwing yoongi's stuff ..

Fast yn we don't have that much time" Jimin said ...

Actually they both are searching for cigarettes in yoongi's bag as they are minor so they can't buy it any shop or store , and yes they smoke sometime without anyone knowing ...

Ohh I find it" yn said and smiled ...

Ok then keep 2 for me too" Jimin said while looking outside ...

Ok" yn uttered and and she took out 4 of them and kept them in her  pocket.

Ok let's go" yn said but cutoff by Jimin...

Shit they are back" Jimin whispered and back to room and start putting all things in yoongi bag ...

But you said it would take time" yn whisper in hurry and nervousness...

Jimin stopped and  said "so, then prentended they are not back ok" ...

I mean" yn was making the face when they heard footsteps ...

On no" Jimin whined ...

Yoongi entered in room and saw jimin and yn ...

They both are sitting on the bed normally...

Why are you both doing here?"Yoongi asked while going to his bag ...

Jimin felt so nervous that he can't even speak when he saw yoongi was about to open the bag ...

Yn take a deep breathe and calm herself and uttered " nothing oppa we are just waiting for you" ...

For me why? " yoongi said and finally he pull the zip of the bag ...

Yn and jimin gulped hard and yoongi turned his face towards them ...

We are dead today" they both are thinking the same when yoongi said "can I ask something?"

Jimin and yn looked at each other and nodded ....

" Did you do something wrong..." yoongi uttered and they both went to their knees immediately...

Yoongi looked at them then  he was going to say  something but wait what??

"Oppa I am sorry but it was Jimin mistake" yn said with head down ..

No hyung it was her who wanted to .."
Jimin said but cutoff by yoongi " what are you saying guys, are u ok ?? ..

Jimin and yn both look at each other and stand straight and said "what are you saying earlier?"

I was saying did you guys something wrong in our absence but" yoongi said and interputed..

No oppa we are good kids you know" yn uttered " yes hyung why we do anything when we know after consequences" Jimin added ....

Ok oppa rest now we have to study" yn said and jimin nodded and they both are going outside ...

Stop both of you" yoongi said but this time his voice is so scary which giving both of them shivers ...

They both turned and looked at yoongi " this time I was trusting you but as Jimin said if I find anything wrong then you both can't able to walk"..

Yn and jimin nodded and runs from his room  to yn's room....

It was so scary what if he find it we will be dead right ?" Yn said and took out the cigarette from her pocket and give to Jimin ...

Yes but we are not doing it daily so don't worry he will never know" Jimin said and light his cigarette after yn's ...

Finally, it is so nice yn said and released smoke from her mouth Jimin did same ...

Meanwhile when yoongi was took his cigarette he find missing some but he ignored it cuz he know no one smoke in his house except him....

Little do he know what his younger brother and sister  doing behind him ...

Next day :-

After practice they both went to the back of the building instead of classes ...

And again lighted their cigarette ..

"This is the best way to release stress" Jimin said ...

" And what stress you have?" Yn said and rolled her eyes ...

Are you guys smoking?"

They both flinched of sudden sound and turned ...

Ohh kokiee it was you ,i thought just forget, by the way what are doing here?" Yn said and again start smoking ...

I just saw both of you then I called you but you didn't listen so i followed you here" kook said innocently ...

Ohh do you wanna try it"Jimin said and forward it towards him...

Stop it chimmy, don't spoil him" yn scold Jimin...

Oh I am not forcing him ok , ask him he wanna try it or not, simple"Jimin said ...

He don't " yn said but cutoff by kook ..

" I want" ...

What?" Yn said ..

See" jimin said and give him the cigraatte yn sighed cuz she never thought he will be agree for this ...

At first jungkook sip it and cough like hell but after it he was start enjoying ..

Jimin tried to take it back but kook was not after that yn gives him her cigarette ...

The trio was so invested in it that they forget that new director is on round ...

(Cigarette is injurious for health and this story not promoting smoking at all)...

Bye bye .....

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