Chapter 6

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They was so invested in smoking that they forget the new director was on round .
But the good part is that he had a call and he picked it and returned  to his cabin .


The trio was standing infront of Taehyung so what was happened before :-


"Jungkook stop it now this is not good for your health"yn snapped .

"Then why you smoke"jungkook replied.

"Aish, do whatever you want"yn replied .

"What about he already finished mine"Jimin retorted .

"Fine, take mine"yn said .

Then one guard came   back of the building with sweeper and telling that he want everything clean here .

Then he saw them"what are you doing students"he said strictly.

They all got flinched by his voice and the cigarette fell down from jimin's hand , yn immediately took his foot on it .

He came closer to them and asked them again"are you bunking the Class?

Jimin and Jungkook were looking at each other and the fear was already shown in their faces then yn spoke"sorry uncle  we would never do it"and she bowed to him and other two did same .

"Fine , now go to your classes and this is your last warning if I see you bunking your classes another time  I will tell your teacher about it "he said and moved farther .

Yn was going to take out from the cigarette  from the ground when guard  again turned he was saying something but stop he find something suspicious then he came closer to them again .

"Why are you still here? "he asked in firm voice .

Yn gave him a weird smile "we are going uncle ".

"Yeah then go,I am waiting"he was standing their and analysing their face .

They gulped in disappointment and moved when they saw the guard was not moving at all.

As soon as yn  moved forward and he  saw that cigarette "so you are doing smoking here huh".

That's how they all end up here .

Flashback end ...

Jimin and Yn were scared this cuz is their first time in front of Taehyung as students  and he was looking so scary but still they have not feared him as they were scared what if their brother had to know about this.

But one was trembling in fear yes the jungkook ,he was sweating in fear cuz he knows how scary his brother is now is was regretting of his decision why he joined them.

Taehyung licked  his lips in anger and raised his eyebrows "explain everything to me"he said in strict voice .

Jungkook was not his state to say anything in front of his brother,Jimin was struggling with what to say , yn was mesmerizing by taehyung's  beauty , she was blushing .

Then he repeated his word again"explain".

Jimin pinched her and she hissed in pain and yelled "yhhha mochii".

Jimin down his eyes in embarrassment and jungkook was still in fear he doesn't know what was happening here .

"Whats your problem huh?"Taehyung asked her in anger and scary voice .

"How hot and sexy he was looking ouch my heart, some give me support pls"yn thinking this in her mind ...

And taehyung gaving her a stern look "yn , I am asking something to you"he again said he was little annoyed now .

Then she cleared her throat and said"we were just bunking nothing more the guard misunderstood us".

She replied him with full of confidence even Taehyung confused by her words and he was going to trust her .

But then he saw jungkook face his hand gestures was shouting that something is off.

"Really"Taehyung rebuked and yn nodded .

"Jungkook tell me what is truth,and don't lie if you did then you know what can I do"Taehyung raised his voice  .

He gulped and he was like he goona crying anytime soon.

"Jungkook you know I don't like to repeat myself"Taehyung said and stood from his seat he went back to jungkook and  caressed his shoulder .

"Ok i asked you a question just nod"Taehyung said and jungkook nodded .

"Did you all smoked"Taehyung asked and was looking at him in full attention.

Jungkook was thinking what to say but then he saw his brother eyes no I can't lie to him he thought and he just faintly nod.

"Very good, miss yn do you have anything left to say now"Taehyung looked at yn with same expression and yn was embarrassed she just low her head .

"Oh you don't "he laughed and back to his seat .

Then he called the principal and told him to come .

The principal came after some minutes.

"Sir can you please inform their parents that they  violated the rules and smoked in school"Taehyung said him with emotionless face.

The principal nodded and jimin and yn went with him.

Now jungkook was the only one who standing there.

Taehyung was giving him a death stare then said  "you can go to your class now I will talk to you at home".

Jungkook nodded his legs were shaking in fear .All three were at their worst situation.

What will happen next ?

Will they able to escape from the situation or it will get worst ?

Note:- please spare me guys i know I am too late , ok I will holding my ears please accept my apology,...

Again if you feel the story is getting off then I have no words cuz i also don't know what was i wrote  earlier chapter , i forget the story line I just reread a last chapter to write this chapter .

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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