Milo - Unfinished, but Kinda Good

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"MADDISON!? ARE YOU UP YET??" A woman's voice shouted up the stairs. I was lying in bed, dressed, but still tired.
"YES!! I'LL BE DOWN IN A SEC!" I shouted back. I started sitting up. Ugh. She's the worst. She knows that my name isn't Maddison anymore. Carol is such a bitch. She's the absolute worst. How hard is it to learn a new name? Bitch.
I sluggishly stood up and made my way towards the stairs, stopping in front of the mirror. I looked okay. My hair is too messy, home-cut, and a weird brownish blonde. My clothes are so loose that you'd never guess that I was skin and bones underneath. My red Converse shoes are decorated with anything I could find. Sharpie, paint pens, you name it and it's probably on there. Long story short, I looked like your average 16-year-old about to miss the bus. Yippie.
"What took you so long Maddison?" Carol accused. I stared at her with a completely apathetic look in my eyes, making eye contact for an uncomfortably long amount of time. She quieted down and I drank my morning coffee. Dad... Darrel was sleeping... On the couch. Carol kicked him off the bed again for cheating on her... again. I couldn't care less. I hate them both.
I left the house in silence, lingering outside for a moment before the bus arrived.

The bus was loud and beat up, it had been in service almost as long as the old man who drove it. He's very sweet once you get to know him. He's got short, messy, gray hair and he usually dresses in a button-up shirt, a bow tie, dress pants, church shoes, and a vest. He even has a pocket watch. He usually wears a cool little brown hat, like the ones that you'd see on TV worn by a child from the 1920s or something like that. What I'm trying to say is that he's very cool and fun. However, the other kids on the bus were not so fun.
Jackie is the first person to be seen on the bus. She always sits in the front row, left window seat. Once, a freshman got on the bus before her and sat there... I have never seen such a bruised-up 14-year-old before. Next to her sits her best friend, Evelyn. Never call her Eve, and I mean NEVER. She hates it! Evelyn is the sort of girl who is popular but somehow is nice to the unpopular kids. She has brown hair and hazel eyes, with a ring of green around the pupil. She's really pretty and nice... I've gotten off-topic.
The next set of seats in the front row is populated by two VERY nerdy Juniors. They've been sitting next to each other for years. The window seat guy's name is Jake and the aisle seat guy's name is Evan. They're decent guys, so I've heard. I don't really talk to them unless I have to.
The bus is mostly empty when I get on, the few kids are huddled in the front few rows. I always sit in the back. The very back, where the single seat is. I don't have a lot of friends... I would like some... ANYWAYS. Ummm, the bus is moving now, off to the next stop where we pick up Stacy, Kevin, and Barry. At the next stop, Bennet and Harvey get on board, and so on.

When the Bus arrived at school, it jolted to a stop. The now-packed bus started to filter out. The people in the front rows left first. Standard bus procedure I guess. I'm the last one out.
"HI MILOOO!!" A voice calls out, Kenny, that's his name. They're pretty cool. He get's driven to school, so I don't get to see him on the bus.
"What's up Ken Doll?"
"Nothing much, but guess what!!" They exclaimed.
"I GOT A LIZARD!! HE'S A BEARDED DRAGON WHO I NAMED TECH AND HE'S SO COOL AND CHILL AND HE'S ADORABLE!!" Alex yelled in my ears. He can be very loud. Kenny is a 6'5" skinny goliath with red-blonde hair, a personality so loud that you can hear it from the stars, and a somewhat decent fashion sense.
"Cool, I want a lizard!" I pouted dramatically, folding myself in half to add more drama.
"Don't you have a cat?" Kenny asked. My entire mood dropped. My playful smile was gone. He doesn't know yet. They don't know that Carol killed my cat because of my poor grades. He doesn't know that Carol put my cat's body on the back roads to be eaten by the wildlife. THEY DON'T KNOW THAT CAROL, ONE HELL OF A SELFISH BASTARD, KILLED MY BEST FRIEND! THE ONLY FRIEND I'VE HAD NO MATTER WHAT!! That bitch needs to be put down.
"Nah, I don't have one."
"Awh I could've sworn you did.." Kenny muttered. I didn't think it would work, but it did. He stopped asking.
"Maybe you were thinking of someone else, bud."
"Yeah... I think Molly has a cat, so I probably confused you with her for a bit."
"Yeah, probably, those M names will get ya, haha."

We went our separate ways, him to his first class of the day, and me to mine. Creative Writing. Creative writing is my favorite class, far above Calc and English. It's the only class where I can be truthful about my problems and be awarded for my skillful, realistic writing. Of course, there are prompts, but the teacher, Mr. Mirk, usually lets kids get away with straying.
"As long as you're being creative and having fun!" He says in his cheery tone when the question arises. He's my favorite teacher, too.

"Alrighty class, today's prompt is strife. Any kind of angst is acceptable. I want you to make me uneasy with gore or sad with heartbreaking works of art. Don't worry about something being 'Too Gorey,' I want to read it how you're writing it. And write it as detailed and messed up as you can. Have fun guys!" Mr. Mirk spoke. He had that grin on his face like he was planning something, or that he was just really enjoying the idea of reading horror and angst and gore written by 16-year-olds. Either way, it was a fun grin. An undertone of silly as well as mischievous. Mr. Mirk is cool like that.
I opened up my school-regulated laptop, it's beat up and covered with stickers from the years of use it has gotten. I've had it since 5th grade. That's how long it's been around. The Google Doc that I've been using for my assignments this quarter is pretty long, around 25 pages. Mr. Mirk loves the effort and attention to detail I put into my work. Most of it's terrifying and insane, but there's fluff and wholesome stuff too... just not anywhere near as much.

The story just wasn't coming out right. No two details fit. I batted ideas back and forth as if they were a birdie on a badminton court.

Author here, hi. I really didn't have the motivation to finish this, like ever. I really like the base idea of the story tho. Essentially, Milo was supposed to go on to meet this dude in one of his new semester classes, but I never got there. I might find motivation in the future for this, but for now, have an unfinished child.

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