Forest Chase - Gore‼️

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He panted heavily trying and failing to catch his breath. He'd been running for maybe 15 minutes, surely that was enough time to lose her... right? Wrong. After what seemed like no time at all, he heard a sickening crunch not too far off in the forest. Soon, the thuds of nearby running made her presence known.
His eyes widened, the terror very apparent. With one final deep breath, he bolted in the opposite direction of her. WHY IS SHE SO GODDAMN FAST?!! He thought as he was running. Uh oh, He thought as he tripped over a not-so-conveniently placed root. His head hitting the forest floor immediately alerted her.

By the time she had gotten to the scene, he was already dead. His head had hit a stone, splattering blood everywhere. His brain was sticking out of his skull, giving her an easy in. She slowly bent down to pick it up. When she was fully upright, her mouth opened widely, farther than any normal human mouth should. The teeth were sharp, yellow, and bloodstained. She ate the entire brain in one bite, licking her lips and teeth as she shut her disturbing mouth.
After taking a few moments to salvage the body for anything useful, the monster moved on. She went back towards her usual hunting grounds.

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