Miracles Do Happen

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Beep. Beep. Beep.
Ember was slowly waking up. Her vision was blurry, and her hearing was muffled,as if she was under water. There were tube all over her body, one was in her mouth and the other in her belly button, as a means of nutrition. Ember's throat was dry and her lips chapped. Her normal exotic beauty had escaped her during the 4 months that she was in her coma.
As she opened her eyes, through her blurry vision, she saw several dark figures surrounding her, and she immediately got scared.
Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep.
"Ember calm down it's us. Calm down, baby." her mother came into view. "shhhhh. It's okay, baby. It's okay." she consoled her. Ember 's heart rate began to slow down.
"Anthony go tell them that Ember just woke up." Ember 's mother instructed, and he did as he was told.
Seconds later, Anthony returned with the doctor and a nurse in tow.
"good morning, Ember. I'm Dr. Owens. Can you talk to me?"
Ember 's eyes followed him around the room, but she didn't speak.
"Do you know where you are?"
She nodded.
"what about how long you've been here?"
another blank stare.
"Ms. Genero, I have to step outside for a moment. " Doctor Owens said.
" take your time."
When Dr. Owens left the room, Ember sprang into action.
"Where's that Bitch Lavainah? "
" Woah, you ain't even been woke for 5 minutes and you ready to kill a bitch." anthony laughed.
Ms. Genero slapped him upside the head. "wit'cho dumb ass. That Lil skank is the one who put her here."
"ow, damn, I didn't know."
"yeah, you wouldn't. Ember how you feelin?"
"I need to get outta here," she replied.
Ember tried to get out of bed, but she couldn't move, and when she did, it was excruciatingly painful.
"Ember, you need to calm down and rest. You've been out for a while."
"Ma, I don't wanna rest. I have to get the hell outta here. " she said. Just then, Dr. Owens walked back in.
" So, Ember. I have here your initial labwork from when you arrived, and one of the nurse should be in to take some more blood, okay? "
Ember nodded.
" so when you came in, there was evidence of rape and assault, and you were shot twice. Do you have any recollection of the event of that day? "
Ember 's mind flashed back to the day she was almost killed. She held on until she couldn't hold on any more. She actually thought she died because the whole time she was out, she was with her sister, who had passed away at 21. Although Ember remembered the day like it was yesterday, she shoot her head no.
"Do you know of anyone who would want to hurt you? "
"okay. Well your initial blood work showed that you're anemic. Has it always been that way?"
"yea, she was a sickly little girl. Asthma, anemia, bronchitis, and every year she caught strep right on time. Like clock work."
"do you drink or smoke? Do you take any drugs?" he asked. Again, 'no' was the answer.
"How about any drugs?"
"okay. Good. So a primary care physician should be in to talk to you about the next few Steps. Congratulations, Ms. Genero."
"congratulations for what?"
"You're pregnant."
The whole room gasped.
"What? How far along?" Ms. Genero asked.
"Ember is 11 weeks. "
" Oh, this is great. What if it's a boy? Oh I can't wait for him to get here." Anthony cheered.
"no its gonna be a girl. It's gonna be great to put that room to use again, finally. "
Everyone in the room was talking about the baby, but Ember shut everything down with her next remark.
" I wanna get rid of it. "she said quietly, but loud enough for everybody to hear her."
"get rid of it? You know we don't believe in abortion. Why would you even say that? "
" I've never believed in abortion, but today, I do. I'm not havin a rape baby. I can't do it. I don't want it, and there's nothin that's gonna change my mind. "
"ok well I'll have one of the nurses get that set up for you later on today."
Just as quickly as the excitement started, it died down just as fast. After the doctor left, five minutes passed and in walked two cops.
"Ms. Genero, I'm Detective Thornton and this is Detective Franklin. We wanna talk to you about what happened on February  9th. Do you remember anything at all? "
Ember shook her head. She wasn't saying Shit regarding her situation.
" All I remember is checking into my hotel and waking up here."
"well it seems that whoever did this to you didn't expect you to survive. Do you have any idea who could've done this?" Detective Franklin asked. Again, she shook her head.
The detectives asked a few more questions, all of which Ember answered no, and left out of the room.
Later that day, Ember had her abortion, and she began on her plot for revenge. Lavainah had been Ember 's friend for years, but she didn't know who Ember really was and the people she knew. Fucking with her had been Lavainah 's worst mistake.

Hope you enjoyed. Comment
**Above is Ember 's little sister Faith, who was killed by a drunk driver at 21. She is the one who made Ember wake up

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