Change of heart?

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Ember pulled into her mother's driveway, and her heart dropped. Sitting on the porch was Justis.
"Where you comin from?" He asked. There was a cut on his lower lip and a noticeable gap on his bottom row of teeth.
"The real question is, why haven't you been shot?"
"You gotta be that cold?" He asked. Ember glared at him.
"Nah, I really should be colder. But considering that I'm in a good mood, I'm tryina refrain from knockin the rest of your teeth out. Why are you here?"
"I wanna explain everything."
Ember laughed.
"Interesting. You actually think I wanna hear your explanation?"
"I think you should. At least give me that."
Ember screwed up her face and started walking past Justis. She was still happy from her date, but her mood was quickly changing. He grabbed her arm lovingly like he used to when they were together. This small gesture would make Ember forget why they were fighting in the first place, and she would just hug and kiss him, but not this time. This time, She hauled off and punched him...again. "that's the least of what I really wanna give you. Now get the fuck outta here before I put my mama's shot gun to use. I don't wanna ever see you again." She yelled. All of her built up tears were stinging her eyes now, and we're starting to fall.
"Ember, please."
"NO, you son of a bitch. There is absolutely nothing you can say or do to change the amount of hatred I have for you. I don't even think you understand how much I want to wring out your fucking neck for this shit. You have NO CLUE what the fuck I've been through, and you don't care. You didn't even have the balls to face me at the hospital, it's been six fucking months, and now you wanna explain? Fuck you, fuck your explanation, fuck Lavainah, fuck little Lacie, fuck all y'all fuck your life you worthless ass two timing ass bastard. I fucking HATE YOU, DO YOU HEAR ME, I HATE YOU!!!!" She screamed. The whole time, she was hitting him and backing him up towards his car. When she started screaming, her mother came outside and tried to hold her back, but it was no use. When Ember was mad, there was no use in trying to calm her down. Shew as like a fire storm, she destroyed everything in her path. The best thing to do would be to run and hide until it was over. The upside to that was that it took a lot to get her mad....well it used to.
"Ember stop, stop, go in the house." Annitra ordered. Surprisingly, Ember listened to her mother and went in the house.
Justis leaned against the car with his head down and his hands in his pockets. He was trying to give Annitra the impression that he felt bad, but she'd been done wrong enough times to know when remorse is genuine or not.
"Don't you ever come around here again. How dare you show your face after the treachery you and Lavainah pulled? You actually think that shit is forgivable?" She asked. He bent his head back down.
"I just thought-"
"You didn't think. And you're not sorry, either. So pick your fuckin head up and take it your karma like a man. You gon get yours, Justis. Don't come back around here again, or I will blow you away, and you know I'm not joking."
Annitra scolded. Justis was like a child, and he'd made a mistake, but he wouldn't ever be forgiven for it.
He got in his car and pulled away, not knowing that the worst of his troubles was yet to come.
"That nigga was here?" Anthony asked with an angry expression on his face. He was acting like he didn't know, but Ember wasnt buying it.
"Really, Anthony? You mean to tell me this guy was just sitting on the porch and y'all just in here chillin like everything all good?"
"I mean the dude coulda just sat there cuz he too scared to face us." He suggested. Ember didn't believe him, but he was telling the truth. He really didn't know that Justis was out there.
"Yall slippin. Yall supposed to be these hardcore ass niggas, and Justis coulda clapped on everybody in here cuz yall chillin. What the hell yall watchin? Fuckin wheel of fortune face ass niggas." If Justis had been brought the way Ember was brought up, her mother and brothers probably would've been wiped out, but Justis was soft. He was a silver spooner that didn't know anything about Ember's world, which is why he thought it was ok to come to her house like that.
"Sit down, Ember." Her mother instructed as she walked into the house.
"Is he still out there momma?" Anthony asked. She shook her head. Ember Sat down, by not before looking out the window to be sure that Justis was gone.
"Ember, how long do you plan on keeping this up?" Annitra asked.
"Keeping what up?"
"What else would you keep up, the Kardashian's? She talkin bout this big murder spree you tryina go on." Anthony answered. Ember and Annitra looked at him like he was stupid and Ember palmed her forehead.
"Anthony,please take your dumb ass somewhere that's not around me. You can't keep up the Kardashians, you have to keep up with them."
"You stupid for even responding to that one" Anthony said as he got up and walked toward the kitchen.
"How long do you plan on getting revenge on Justis and Lavainah?"
Annitra asked.
"As long as it takes. I had to suffer, why can't they?" Ember replied.
"Because now there's a child involved. I'm still feeling some type of way because you aborted my grandchild-"
"Rape child-"
"Grandchild. Don't start with me, lil girl. You know you can't out argue me. Just listen."
"Ma, it ain't nothing to listen to. They tried to kill me, and you're defending a baby that I probably would've hated, and it sounds like you're taking up for Justis and Lavainah. Whose side are you on?"
"Of course I'm on yours, but think about your integrity. What is the right thing to do?"
Ember looked down. Deep inside, she knew that the right thing to do would be to leave them alone. But what she wanted do had nothing to do wither right thing. Justis and Lavainah had to pay for their actions. Ember told her mother exactlg what she planned to do. At the end of the conversation, Annitra and Ember were in two different worlds. Ember was hell bent on getting her revenge, and Annitra had a feeling that nothing was gonna turn out good for her daughter.
"When do you plan on taking the final step in your plan?" Annitra asked. She was done with the conversation, but there was one thinc she needed to know; just for the sake of her conscience.
"As soon as possible. Once i have everything i need, lights out."
"Well look. I know youre a grown woman, and i know youre gonna do what you wanna do. I just hope youre ready for the consequences."
"There'll be no consequences, ma."
"There's always consequences, baby. Even if you dont get caught, you still gotta answer to somebody on Judgement Day. I'm gon tell you this, though. Leave them alone until the baby comes. She didn't ask for none of this, it's not her fault. Can you do that?"
"C'mon mom. Don't ask me that. Not after the hell I've been through. I dont care about that baby." Ember whined.
"For me."
Ember looked away then back at her mother. "Then what? You gob adopr her too since she didn't ask for none of this?"
Annitra chuckled.
"Just leave the baby out of your little love triangle, ok. Thats all im gon say. Good night Ember, im goin to bed. Maybe you should do the same. You need to go apartment hunting tomorrow."
Ember gasped. "Youre kicking me out?"
"You make it sound so harsh, baby. But yes. Im kicking you out."
"Well why does Anthony get to stay? Thats not fair."
"Im special, and i dont mean loved. Plus i cant go nowhere im on house arrest." Anthony said as he came back into the living room. He was eating a big bowl of Capn Crunch Berries.
"Nigga you aint on no damn house arrest."
"Actually i am. Im just bangin my P.O. so she lets me out every once in a while."
"Its true." Annitra said. "You know how happy i was when he moved out the first time."
" but hes back."
"It was either here or some halfway house all the way in Rex, Ga. Where the hell is Rex anyway? Only thing i know about Rex is that its a dinosaur and its extinct."
"Yea, youre special... Actually no youre just stupid as hell. I get it tho mom. Im not trippin."
"Good. Im glad you understand. And trust me, soon as that ankle bracelet come off hes outta here too. Goodnight babies. I love y'all." Annitra replied as. She hugged and kissed her kids good night.
Later that night as Ember slept, she dreamt about what her life wouldve been like if things went her way, then her sleep became violent and disturbed as she lost everything including her children with Justis. She dreamt that they had two sons, and that she was pregnant with another baby. Slowly their happy faces turned sad as Justis walked out on the family, her oldest son joined a gang and got shot, her second oldest son died in a car accident, and her daughter was ripped from her womb, and she died slowly until she woke up in a cold sweat.
Ember breathed heavily into the darkness of the room and she fely her stomach. Everything leading up to that moment had caught up with her, and this was the first time she felt remorse about aborting her own baby.
She cried and laid back down.
Why me? She asked herself. Then she thought about Lavainah's baby. She was innocent in all of this, and the way Ember was feeling with her dream and her abortion, she actually felt sorry for Lacie. She couldn't help that her parents werent shit, it wasnt her fault, and she shouldnt have to pay for least not with her life. Ember then decided to take her mother's advice and leave Justis and Lavainah alone...until the day Lacie shows up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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