The Twilight Zone

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Sorry for the wait everybody,my phone just randomly died and refused to come back to life mo matter how much I charged it, took the battery out, threw it, slammed it, left the battery out over night, the phone just gave up. But anyway I'm back now, and i hope yall havent given up on Best Enemies Forever!!!!! Please enjoy the next few chapter(s) cuz i definitely need to make up for it lol

Ember and Kamryn woke up early the next morning to get ready for Lavainah's party. As Ember fitted the wig over her braids, Kamryn pulled their outfits out of the Walmart bags and laid them out.
Ember looked at the clothes and scoffed. She'd spent hours ay walmart attempting to find something suitable to her taste and settled on a pair of Max Azaria skinny jeans and a hot pink crop top. She accessorized with sulver sandals, a silver belt, silver jewelry. The look went completely against what she liked to wear, but she admitted to herself that she looked damn good.
Ember looked in the mirror and checked herself out to see if there was anything that would give away her true identity. She found her answer when her rib tattoo threatened to peek out from under the shirt. She grabbed some concealer and covered up the words that read "promises to keep and miles to go before you sleep". Ember got that tattoo after seeing the movie Deathproof and fell in love with the poem that was read by Jungle Julia.
Ember looked at Kamryn as she tied up her white and red J's. The girl had always been a tomboy, and it still hadn't changed. Kamryn rocked black skinny jeans and a white tank top with Betty Hoop pictured on the front. She accessorized with red hoop earrings, red and white bangles, and a red headband.
"We look teenagers, Kamryn. I can't wear this." Ember said as she moved over for Kamryn to get in the mirror.
"No we don't, we look fun. We're not goin to some conference, its a barbecue. Girl, when did you get so serious? What happened to fun Ember?"
"What? How can you say that? I'm fun....I like to do fun things..."
"Well I'm gon need you to get the stick outta your ass and perk the fuck up. All this seriousness is gon give you away. Here spark this." Kamryn said and handed Ember a blunt. A smile spread across her face as she lit it up.
"Yea, I'll definitely be fun," She laughed.
Kamryn laughed and adjusted the wig on Ember's head. Even with the wig, though, Ember still looked like herself. Kamryn thought about what she could do to spruce up the disguise.
"Boom, got it." Kamryn blurted as she reached into her overnight bag for her glasses. The clear frames enhanced Ember's outfit, but Kamryn still felt like something was off. "Now if only we could do something about those blue eyes.
"The beauty supply sells color contacts." Ember suggested. Her chunky eyes were low and the blunt was halfway gone.
"That's where we'll go before we hit the party." Kamryn replied then took the blunt from her.
Kamryn and Ember pulled up and parked alongside the curb in front of Lavainah's house. Parked in the driveway was Justi's midnight blue Mustang and Ember's G-wagon. They walked up to the door, and was greeted by a pregnant Lavainah, who looked radiant with her pregnancy glow. "Kamryn, it's so good to see you. Come in." Lavainah greeted happily. She hugged Kamryn and ushered her into the house. "Damn bitch, you smell like weed." She laughed.
"Yeah, we hotboxed on the way over here. This is my homegirl from BK, her name is Skylar."
"Oh, shit I didn't notice you there. I'm Lavainah, nice to meet you Skylar."
"Nice to meet you too, you can call me Skyy, tho." Ember introduced herself and used a New York accent.
"Ok, Skyy, let me give yall the tour of our new home."
My mothafuckin home. Ember thought to herself. Lavainah was living on the house that she and Justis decided to buy before she left on her last business trip.
The two story house included 5 bedrooms, high ceilings, a three car garage, and a pool. The house was gorgeous unfurnised, but as Ember looked around, she noticed her all white Ashley sectional in Lavainah's living room, along with the black coffee table, black and marble lamps, and the huge $7,000 Japanese painting that Ember used to furnish her living room. Ember shook her head.
Lavainah led the girls up the stairs, and they crossed the bridge that overlooked the living room and foyer on the right, and the kitchen, family room, and dining room on the left.
"This is my favorite part of the house. I can see every thing. When Justus showed me this house and handed me the keys, I thought I was about to fuckin DIE!!!" Lavainah said excitedly.
Ember gripped the banister tightly as she looked at the back of the house. It was like Lavainah had swallowed her condo and threw it up in there. Ember saw her 72 inch flat screen and entertainment center set up neatly in the far corner of the family room, exactly where Ember had told Justis she wanted it. Her expensive Persian rug covered the white carpet along with Justis's black leather sectional and recliners. Their artwork was off the chain, thanks to Ember. She'd invested hundreds of.thousands of dollars into the paintings that covered Justis's and Lavainah's walls, and there was not one picture or her anywhere in the house. Ember's stereo system boomed How Many Times by Chris Brown, and she spotted her man coming in with a foil pan full of barbecue. Ember's high was blown, but she was still hungry.
"Come on, follow me." Lavainah led Ember and Kamryn to the end of the landing and around a corner. "These are the guest rooms" Lavainah opened the first door and Ember gasped. Her black canopy bedroom set beckoned her. She hadn't slept in that bed since the night before she 'died'. Lavainah even kept the white, navy blue, and purple color scheme, and Ember was about to break down.
In the next guest room was the bedroom set she kept on her guest room at the condo, and the third guestroom held Lavainah's old bedroom set. At that point, Ember had stopped being surprised, it was obvious that Lavainah was trying to take over Ember's life. Lavainah showed them the nursery, all blue walls with white furniture and everything else pink. The baby hadn't even been born yet, but she already had a closet full Of clothes. Finally, Lavainah took the girls to the master bedroom, which is the only place in the house Ember didn't want to go, but went anyway.
"Oh, I just love my bedroom." Lavainah boasted.
She opened the double doors and revealed the magnificent room. It wasn't how Ember would've decorated it, but it was nice.
Unlike the rest of the house, the carpet in the master bedroom was wine red, matching the sexy red comforter set, curtains, and canopy. The bed was king sized and there was a multitude of silk, satin, and beaded pillows covering over half the bed. The lamps had black and red stained glass bases with black shades, ad the rug was also black and red. What really made the room pop was that all the furniture was chrome. The bed, night stands, and even the chaise at the foot of the bed was chrome, along with the dresser and curtain rods. A flat screen was mounted on the wall and surround sound speakers were placed in various areas of the room.
The girls followed Lavainah into the bathroom, which was built for royalty. Everything was trimmed in gold, and the jacuzzi tub was big enough to fit at least four people comfortably. That had been Ember's favorite feature of the house. The stand up shower was the ideal baby making station, and when she and Justis had closed on the house, she'd planned on fucking Justis's brains out on their first night in the house. That night never came, and she was sure that Lavainah had already made use of the shower. "And lastly, the closet." Lavainah said as she turned on the light. This was another favorite of Ember's, the size of the closet made it possible to fit all of her and Justis's clothes comfortably. They were both big on image, and they both liked to look good.
Ember was surprised though, Lavainah's clothes took up both sides of the closet, and her shoes occupied the entire built in shoe rack.
"All these shoes, do you mind if I take a closer look?" Ember asked.
"Sure, go ahead." Lavainah said. That's when she saw it. Her wedding dress, the one she'd chosen with Lavainah, the one Lavainah talked her into getting. The Vera Wang gown was still in its plastic covering, and the price tag was still on.
"I can't wait to wear it. Soon as Lacie gets here, it's back to the gym so I can fit into my wedding dress. I can't wait til February 9th." She said. That struck a nerve, and Ember was ready to black out. Ember fought back tears as she noticed more and more of her best outfits in Lavainah's closet. Then icing on the cake was her favorite pair of Red Bottoms. The sparkly 6 inch champagne colored stilettos were on the bottom of the shoe rack next to some dusty pair of Lavainah's knock off Jimmy Choos. The Red Bottoms had cost Ember a pretty penny, and she'd only worn them once, but she could tell that Lavainah was wearing the shit out of her shoes, and she was furious. Lavainah wore a size eight. How she managed to fit her feet in size seven was a mystery.
"These are cute as hell, Lavainah. How much these babies run for?" Ember asked.
"Shit, like $2,000. Those set me back a lot, I barely made rent." She laughed. She was wrong though. Ember paid $4,500 for those shoes, and for Lavainah to stunt on the Red Bottoms like that was just disrespectful.
"Yo, I'm hungry as fuck. Where the food at?" She asked.
"Its downstairs, come on." Lavainah laughed. Ember and Kamryn followed Lavainah downstairs, and as Kamryn looked at Ember, there was a crazy vacant look in her eyes, like she just wanted to push Lavainah down the stairs and bust her pregnant belly. Ember looked like she was about to nut the fuck up.
When the girls reached the kitchen, Justis was on his way back outside, but Lavainah stopped him.
"Baby, look who's here."
"Oh shit, its Kamryn, whoop-dee-doo."
Kamryn flicked him off and smiled sarcastically. "Good to see you too, Justis, I see you living good, Ember got y'all house furnished quite lovely. I wonder how she would feel about y'aaaalllll, and thiiiiisssss, and thaaatttt" Kamryn retorted as she pointed at Lavainah's stomach.
"Kamryn, not here, ok." Lavainah pleaded.
"I'm just sayin, tell Ember's leftovers not to come at me. I'm better at bein a bitch than he is, ok." Kamryn stated.
Ember loved that about Kamryn, she never held her tongue for anybody, and Justis was never an exception. She'd never liked him, and the feeling was mutual on his part, but they tolerated each other Because of Ember.
"Why are you even here? I buried you when I buried Ember."
"Yea, but I'm back from the dead, bitch and you gon get yours you sleazy scumbag, Karma is a bitch."
"And what's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothin, I'm done talkin about it, Skyy, meet Justis, he's Ember's ex-fiance', but now he's playin house with her best friend, where's the justice in that, huh?"
"Ima just stay quiet, Kam."
"Mmhmm, and Ima go fix us a few plates." Kamryn replied.
"Thank you, you clearly know your place and how to mind your own business. Nice to meet you Skyy, I'm Justis." He said.
Ember laughed...She laughed loud....and she laughed obnoxiously.
People inside the house started to look in her direction, and Justis and Lavainah had a weird look on their faces. Once Ember realized that the spotlight was on her, that's when she went into action.
"See it is my business." She said as she took off her glasses. Lavainah laughed.
"How do you figure?" See asked.
Ember bent her head down down as she took off her wig, and when she lifted up her head, Lavainah's face turned white and Justis looked like he was ready to throw up.
"That's how it's my business, bitch" Ember said as she decked Lavainah dead in her mouth with the force of a speeding semi truck. Lavainah flew backwards and was knocked out cold.
"Hey what the hell, she's pregnant." Some random lady yelled and ran up behind Ember, but she grabbed the thick cutting board off the kitchen island and smacked the lady in the face with it. She fell down with a loud thud.
"I don't care, I hit her in the face, not her stomach. And you,"
"E-Ember, I c-can exp-plain." Justis stuttered. Ember smiled sweetly.
"Its no need to, baby. I understand. You're just a low down, dirty, shitbag, scrum of the earth ass mothafucka that will get his come uppance, along with that bitch. There's nothing to explain, you thought I was dead, and you used that as an opportunity to cover up the fact that you've been fucking my best friend for God knows how long. But like I said, it's okay." She said, and just as Justis looked like he was starting to relax, Ember decked him on the mouth as well. She didn't knock him out, but she did enough damage to where his first instinct was to run to the sink. Justis spit out more than blood, however, as one of his perfect bottom teeth flew out into the sink.
"You crazy bitch, you knocked out my tooth." He yelled.
"Yeah, I kinda think crazy is an understatement, but you're on the right track. Hey, let me know how you would feel if you woke up from a coma and found out that me and your fine ass Best friend was fuckin. Trey has always been a delicious lookin bar of chocolate...maybe I should've....indulged, hmm?" Ember replied as Kamryn finished making their plates. Ember grabbed a rib and a piece of chicken and munched on them on her and Kamryn's way out the front door. She spotted Trey on the way out and winked at him. The guy had always been gorgeous to Ember, but her world revolved around Justis and she never dared to cross that line.
"By the way, I love what you've done with the place, Justis. Its"

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