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Scaramouche finally reached Sumeru to go to Nahida to help heal Kazuha AND to not be in water and drown. He went down onto land and took a deep breath. Scaramouche looked at Kazuha's face. Somehow, he was still breathing but not a lot. Scaramouche landed close to Sumeru City, and then he could go to the Sanctuary of Surasthana, where Nahida spent most of her days and so did he.

Scaramouche eventually walked to Sumeru City and ran up those unnecessarily long stairs. He just ran and ignored the people who he passed along the way. Scaramouche then opened the door in an aggressive manner. Then, he saw Nahida, who was busy eating a sandwich with a little table she just got. Nahida had recently decorated the Sanctuary of more of her liking so she can have a good living space that she would enjoy. Now, there were colorful flowers on the majority of the pillars and some comfortable seats in some of the places. Of course, there was the eating area where Nahida was. Nahida didn't want the Sanctuary to feel like the place she was imprisoned in, she wanted it to feel like a home.

"Oh! Hello, Scaramouche. Where have you been?  You just randomly left out of nowhere. You should have told me where you're going and-" Nahida noticed Scaramouche's calm but frantic expression and oh, I don't know, the person in his arms. Nahida's face turned to concern as she put her sandwich down, stood up, and ran to Scaramouche to investigate.

"Nahida! I'm glad that you're here. I need your help right now," Scaramouche looked down at Kazuha kind of like a gesture. "He got shot by an arrow, but it had some electro in it. I don't think he's doing very well. I don't know what to do, and I thought that you did." Scaramouche said as Nahida looked kind of scared for Kazuha.

"It's okay, it's okay. Don't panic please. I know what to do. Set him down here. We can fix him up." Nahida said as Scaramouche did what she told him to do. Kazuha laid on the ground as they both knelt down to investigate. "First off, we have to get the arrow out of him. I'm glad that you didn't, because that would cause more bleeding than he already has." Nahida said. She then pulled the arrow out of Kazuha's neck, causing Kazuha to wince a bit. "Okay first step done. Now, let me see if I have any bandages first." Nahida said as she tried to remember if she even had any medical supplies.

Scaramouche remembered that Kazuha had a medical kit because of when he got hurt himself when he met Kazuha, and he put bandages on him. "He does!" Scaramouche said. Nahida looked at him and she nodded. "If you know where they are, then you can go get them." Nahida said. Scaramouche eventually found Kazuha's medical kit, opened it, grabbed some bandages, and wrapped them around his neck. "Don't make it too tight! It could cut off blood circulation." Nahida said. "Alright, alright. I don't know anything about blood circulation. My bloods not real." Scaramouche said as he finished wrapping the bandages on Kazuha.

"Okay, great job," Nahida said as she put her hand on Kazuha's chest. It took a minute, but Nahida was done. "He still has a heartbeat, but it's not very fast. He's still breathing, but not a lot. I think we may  need to do CPR on him." Nahida said. Scaramouche looked to Nahida with shock. He blushed a little bit, but he quickly stopped. "CPR? No no no no. I'm not doing that. We just met, I don't know if that's how it works at all." Scaramouche said. "Well, do you want him to die?" Nahida sighed. Scaramouche looked hesitant and then returned a sigh. "Alright, fine. How do you even do CPR?" Scaramouche said. "Here, I'll demonstrate. First, you put both of your hands on the chest," Nahida put her hands on Kazuha's chest. "Then, you start pressing down on it repeatedly. That's called compression." Nahida said as she lightly pressed down on Kazuha's chest.

"If necessary, you do rescue breaths. You know what that is. Okay, you ready?" Nahida said as she scooted back to give them some room. Scaramouche took a deep breath and prepared to perform CPR. He put his hands on Kazuha's chest and started pushing up and down. Kazuha seemed to be getting better at last. Then, it was time for a rescue breath. Scaramouche was about to go in and then Kazuha woke up (Scaramouche 🤝 Dan Heng).

Kazuha leaned up and looked around this unfamiliar place. "Where am I? I thought I was at the Crux." Kazuha said as he rubbed his head. "Hello! My name is Nahida. Nice to meet you...well, this isn't really a good introduction. You fainted and Scaramouche brung you here." Nahida said. Kazuha looked at Scaramouche and lightly smiled at him. "Did you now? I was thinking you were too stubborn to do things like that." Kazuha said. "Well, I couldn't let you die. Or maybe I could. Not now, though." Scaramouche said. "I don't recognize this place. I was in Liyue the last time I checked." Kazuha said as he fully sat up. "You're not in Liyue anymore. You're in Sumeru now." Nahida said as she stood up.

"Oh really? I've never been to Sumeru before. I've only heard wonderful stories from Beidou. I heard some from the voyage, but now I'm separated from it." Kazuha replied. "I'm really sorry that you got separated. They'll get back, I'm sure of it. But, we can always make the best of things. Oh, I have an idea! What if Scaramouche showed you around tomorrow? I think it would be great for you two to bond together. You've both had rough days; you deserve a break." Nahida exclaimed. Scaramouche shot her a glare. "That won't be necessary. If Kazuha wants to go around Sumeru, he can do it himself." Scaramouche said as he finally stood up. "Actually... I would like that. It seems quite nice, don't you think?" Kazuha said as he stood up as well. "Fine. I guess we will then." Scaramouche said.

"Wonderful! Kazuha, you can stay here. I bet you may not have anywhere else to stay."
Nahida said. "No, I don't have anywhere to stay. I'll take you up on your offer." Kazuha said as he looked around. "Then it's official. You can stay here until your ship comes back, and Scaramouche will show you around tomorrow. Does that sound good to you?" Nahida questioned. "That does sound good. Thank you so much." Kazuha said. "Not a problem. You may look around if you want to." Nahida said. "Hm...Maybe I will." Kazuha said.

The rest of the day goes by with new friends and bonds. Kazuha got to tour the Sanctuary with the company of Scaramouche and Nahida; they all got to know each other a bit more.

Hopefully tomorrow would be a good day with Kazuha's first time in Sumeru.

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