Chapter One ~ Poppy

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(3 Months Ago)

A party was the last place I wanted to be tonight. I just graduated only a matter of hours ago and I could think of a hundred better ways to celebrate. But alas, my brother and my best friend dragged my ass to this secluded mansion for the senior class party.

"Are you sure we're not gonna get killed out here? There hasn't been another house for miles," I said unimpressed.

"It's fine Poppy we're here anyway," I heard my twin brother Preston say.

My best friend Becca started clapping like a child. She had done a little too much pregaming beforehand and was already a little more than tipsy.

She skipped out of the car while yelling, "See you guys, I'm going to find the booze!"

"Preston," I groaned, "I don't want to be here."

He scoffed, "Well we're not turning around now. Live a little Poppy, you can't be an introvert forever."

says who.

Even though we're twins, we couldn't be any more different. Although, I honestly don't blame him, Mom and Dad probably said he couldn't come unless he dragged me along.

I've never really had a ton of friends, but I have a small group and I couldn't be happier with them. Becca, though, is my platonic soulmate. She and I clicked from the beginning. But, she's more like my brother than me, she had no problem coming to this stupid party.

I opened my car door and stepped out, then my shoe landed in gross, squishy mud, "Ugh I just got these shoes too." I scoffed

Preston rolled his eyes, "Alright I'm going inside, find me if you need anything okay?"

He gave me a sincere look, even though we don't always get along he does his best to look out for me. I nodded and he made his way into the house.

I trudged out of the mud and scraped my shoe on the pavement. No way I was tracking mud inside this house. It made my house look like a joke. Whoever lived here was a stuck-up jerk, I was sure of it.

I walked up to the front door and instantly heard the loud music blasting. Just then, it swung open. Some girl stumbled out and threw up all over the porch.

"Gross," I muttered.

Why am I here again?

I wedged my way inside, looking for Becca or anyone I knew for that matter.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder, "Here gorgeous drink this."

I shook my head but he kept insisting, so I snatched the cup from his hand. I rarely drink, and I did not feel like this was the best environment for drunk Poppy. I took one sip and immediately gagged. This was by far the worst beer I've ever tasted.

Glancing around the room I finally found a familiar face; my cousin Dawson.

"Hey, Dawson!" I shouted.

He noticed me and made his way over, "Hey Poppy, I didn't expect to see you here."

I laughed softly, "I could say the same thing, you're not even a senior."

He shushed me, "Everyone here thinks I am so let's try and keep that on the down low alright?"

"Okay then, See you later Dawson!"

"Later Pops!" He laughed.

Seeing everyone here with all their friends made me realize how lonely I feel. I can't even find one person I know who isn't related to me at a party with hundreds of people.

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