Chapter 1: World of Tomorrow

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"Welcome to Sapienza, 47," Diana Burnwood spoke through his earpiece calmly. "Silvio Caruso's family home is right across the square. The bioengineer suffers from acute travel phobia so the Ether Corporation has installed a state-of-the-art field laboratory somewhere below ground. Expert security levels to rise as you get closer to the virus. Good luck 47."

47 lowered down a newspaper and observed his surroundings, sitting down on a bench and blending in as he disguised himself as a tropical islander. His ice blue eyes visualised everyone and everything, like a secretive sage snake watching the movements.

That was Agent 47, the world's top assassin - the bald man with a barcode on the back of his head. A blank slate, anti-social, apathetic, and unresponsive he always was. He was devoid of emotions; he operated solely on logic and followed his contracts without question. He was required to assassinate Silvio Caruso and Francesca De Santis, as well as infiltrate a secret lab, in order to destroy a virus. He was the man of few words, the man with no hesitation.

47 left a newspaper on a bench as he got up and walked off, searching Slivio's family home and scanning the Sapienza area. The streets bustled with activity. The sun was shining, and the ocean air was warm and scented with the delicate aroma of the sea. He continued to blend in as he walked through the busy streets, his focus never wavering as he scanned the area for the target. He moved with a grace and poise that belied his lethal capabilities.

A few minutes passed by, 47 found it; a mansion, a place of wealth and power, a symbol of the man's immense influence and wealth. The entrance to the mansion was guarded by two imposing guards, each dressed casually, yet seemed to radiate authority. Their eyes watched around, searching for any signs of trouble or suspicious activity. 47's eyes flickered across them before he made a decision. He walked around the area near it as he scanned for any opportunity revealing clues that could help him gain access into the mansion. He searched his surroundings carefully, keeping a low profile, not trying to draw any attention to himself.

"Rocco! Get down here this minute. You can't be late for your first day!" A random woman who dressed as waitress, shouting up at his apartment and her hands were onto her hips.

"Relax. It's all good. Just gotta put some pants on," A random man named Rocco, seemingly laidback and he was on his balcony.

"Rocco, I recommended you to Chef Marcello personally. If he's unhappy with you, I'll get the blame. I could get fired! Is that what you want?"

47's eyes narrowed as he listened in on the situation and stop walking, his attention focused on Rocco on the balcony. He kept his stance nonchalant but his gaze never strays far. He took in everything he can, making note of all the details and remaining silent throughout their whole conversation. It seemed like a potential opportunity was unfolding. He considered the best way to take advantage of the situation, weighing his options

Then, Diana spoke through his earpiece again, informing the situation and the advantage about Rocco, "Chef Marcello Ray has hired a new kitchen hand by recommendation, and the two have yet to meet. Could be a convenient way to infiltrate the mansion. FYI, according to our research, Chef Marcello has been trying to replicate Isabella Caruso's famous home cooking, but Silvio Caruso is not impressed. I suggest you give him a helping hand." Villa Caruso has a new kitchen hand. Could be useful and potential opportunity to get inside the mansion.

47's brain snaped into full working mode, analyzing and planning the possibility of infiltrating through the kitchen hand. It was like the puzzle pieces were suddenly clicking into place. The assassin was quick to seize this opportunity, ready to put his plans into action.

Before he acted swift and approached Rocco through entering his apartment, suddenly, a 20-year-old girl distracted herself by her surroundings and bumped into him accidentally.

"Ah!" She flinched with her lively, childlike and cheerful tone.

She had a black medium hair with yellow highlights only appeared on below, ivory skin and black eyes. She wore a flower crown on the top of her head, a golden heart necklace around her neck, multi-coloured dress with long sleeves, multi-coloured bracelets around her arms, multi-coloured palazzo pants and purple shoes. She carried a food package that apparently was a lunch on her left hand and her trusty purple umbrella that sparkled stars in the night sky on her right hand.

She glanced at him with an apologetic smiling face with a drop of sweat and chuckled softly, "Sorry, sir!" She adjusted her flower crown that was lowered down onto her eyes before.

47's eyes gazed towards the girl for a moment; she seemed quite different from the others, with a lively and cheerful tone, and her appearance is notably quite unique. He made a casual, indifferently neutral expression with a blank stare towards her. His deadpan and stoic expression was not changing, "No problem. Be careful where you're going."

She nodded at him in relief, "Thanks! I'll be careful next time hehe!" She walked past by him and shook her head to return back to reality.

47 stayed focused on the girl as she walked away. He seemed intrigued by her and her appearance. She had a childlike and youthful aura; a surprising contrast to the stoic and professional tone of the surroundings. But he remained quiet and passive and doesn't say anything, taking in everything around him. He still considered approaching Rocco, and he decided to do just that. He walked across the street, moving towards Rocco's balcony.

However, her energy could be infectious...

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