Chapter 3: A Gilded Cage

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"Welcome to Marrakesh, 47," Diana spoke through his earpiece calmly. "The situation grows more tense by the minute. The consulate is under lockdown. But the protests are only a stone throw away from full-blown riots, and Zaydan won't hesitate to unleash his troops. So, whatever you're planning, time is the essence. Good luck, 47"

47 already walked around the Marrakesh area, scanning his surroundings with a professional eye. He has been contracted by construction contractor Hamilton-Lowe to prevent a possible military coup, which could destroy the company's government contracts. To do this, he must eliminate the two men responsible for orchestrating the coup, Claus Hugo Strandberg and Reza Zaydan. The crowded streets were filled with people of all ages and backgrounds, but he didn't allow himself to be distracted. He kept his focus on the job at hand, scanning for any opportunities.

This time, he wore a summer suit; polo shirt under a linen suit, white jeans and black shoes. Of course, it used for disguise, allowing him to blend simply. He was always a blank state, a weapon to wield.

Little while later, 47 found a wooden walnut brown box on a wooden chair that contains numerous propaganda posters and a white paper on top of it. He thought the paper could provide information about his targets or lead him to clues that could help him fulfill the contracts effectively. He examined it as he took this opportunity and read in his mind.

Diana spoke through his earpiece again, informing this opportunity, "The printing crew spreads fake propaganda in the name of Crystal Dawn, the pan-African liberation movement. This encourages Moroccan citizens to rise up and take justice into their own hands. Which of course, is exactly what Zaydan is counting on. Very clever. Now, according to the printing schedule, the crew is out hanging posters. And they are likely to wear masks." The printing crew is in the streets, hanging posters. Could be a way into the school.

He took in her information and his attention was on the crew. He nodded his head slightly and rapidly made a plan in his mind. The crew wore masks, but it was worth a shot. He took a quick look around, still keeping a low profile and staying alert. He , keeping his presence as inconspicuous as possible.

As 47 continued to walk toward the printing crew, a familiar 20-year-old girl with the same appearance and personality walking down the street hurriedly. A familiar girl with the same childlike and youthful aura; unexpected person he remembered from his previous contract that was located on Sapienza. She still carried her purple umbrella on her right hand, but this time instead of the food packaging, it was the flowers she hugged onto her chest so they won't fall.

He was still blank, yet slight intrigued by her and interested to see her once again. He glanced at her as she passed by, and he stared back towards the printing crew that is hanging the fake propaganda on the housing wall. He must not get distracted by her; he had to stay professional in his job.

47 did, in fact, got distracted by her; a small rock stuck out from the ground, causing her to stumble and fall onto the ground. As she landed, the flowers she was carrying were crushed, and her flower crown fell from her head and landed on the ground next to her. She made a face with simple, open eyes and wide, steep frown by the sight of her flowers being crushed.

"No no no!" She stared it and hoped that no one had seen her fall, but she didn't know for sure.

"Not fair..." She took it and hugged it again as she looked down at the ground closed her eyes. "I'm sorry..."

His eyes flickered to the girl once, watching her carefully and made a note of this sudden reaction. Her behaviour is interesting, he thought. She appeared very sensitive and caring, even towards objects.

47 took a deep breath in and exhaled. His contract was his priority, and he was determined to complete it. However, he was compelled by the unexpected sight of the girl. He decided to compromise; he would help her stand up but he would continue following the printing crew to see where they lead. He walked over to her and offered her a hand up; looking at her with his usual deadpan face.

She noticed his hand in the corner of her eye and looked up at him with her lively and neutral face. She then smiled softly as she dropped the crushed flowers, and took her flower crown and wore it onto her head. She took his offer by her left hand and got up from the ground.

"Thanks, sir!... I appreciate a lot!..." I looked at the crushed flowers on the ground and sighed to herself. "The flowers were a little expensive. Bought it from the flower shop."

He focused on the girl, his gaze becoming slightly soft with her pleasant demeanor. She shown an emotional attachment towards these flowers, as if the flowers were significant to her. He nodded slightly in respond; he tried to suppress the sudden reaction towards her and remain passive and indifferent.

She let go of his hand and looked at him with a simple smile, "Oh well, it's fine, I guess! Maybe I've learnt a lesson today; not to buy flowers too early hehe!" I said with the same lively, childlike and cheerful tone.

47 remained focused on her, watching her face as she spoke. He agreed with her statement and nodded his head in acknowledgment. It seems like he enjoyed her presence than expected; positivity, resilience and witty she had.

"Gotta go now, exploring and such!" I pointed my left thumb behind me. "Thanks for offering me a hand, sir! You're cool!" I turned away from him and walked away as I swung my umbrella playfully.

She stopped walking and swinging as I paused for a moment to think about him; he was somewhat familiar, somewhere from the past. The bald man and his deadpan expression – somewhat close from what I've remembered back in Sapienza. I glanced at him once again, feelings of confusion and curiosity were slowly taken over me.

He noticed her expression of confusion and curiosity, but remained cold and emotionless in appearance. He wanted to reveal the truth to her, but he couldn't. His mind raced with thoughts of how to approach this new situation.

She pulled out her purple sticker note and a pencil from her multi-coloured dress right pocket. She walked over to the wall nearby so she could prop her umbrella and place the note onto the wall. She wrote something on it which he couldn't see clearly since he was in a slight far distance from her. She could hear his footsteps as he approached her to observe what she has written. She didn't mind that.

She removed the note from the wall and looked at him with a smile as she handed it over him and put her pencil back onto her pocket. It said, "Idk if you're busy or not. But if you have free time, meet me outside the flower shop! Idk when, but yeah! – Avelina, your new friend :D" He read the note that Avelina has given him. He was slight surprised by her sudden gesture and friendliness, and this sudden move had caught him off guard.

She walked backwards slowly and saluted at him excitedly, "Avelina Zaman Margaret! Just Avelina!" I took my umbrella and pointed it at him with an enthusiastic smile. "Nice to meet yo-" I accidentally bumped myself against the wall and rubbed my head, feeling slightly shock. "Ow! I'm fine!" I turned around and waved at him contentedly. "Bye bye!"

Their friendship is about to begin soon...


That's the end of the demo! If you want me to continue, just comment down below! See you later! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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