Chapter 2: Normal Day in Sapienza

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As I unlocked my hotel room door with a key and stepped inside, I took a moment to survey the room. I saw the usual items I'd found in any hotel room, including a queen-sized bed with a matching nightstand and desk. There was a small kitchen area with a mini-fridge and a stovetop. The window in the room looks out onto the busy street below, offering a view of the bustling city life. I entered the room carrying a food package in my left hand, which still smelled delicious. In my right hand, I hold my purple umbrella, which has been with me on many adventures. I placed the food packaging on the nightstand and propped my umbrella against the wall.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I looked like I've had a long day, with slight messy hair and a tired expression. I took a deep breath and sigh, feeling relieved to finally be in my hotel room. I kicked off my shoes and placed it onto the shoe rack. I removed my flower crown from my head and hold it with my both hands dearly as I stared at it with a simple smile.

"How was the walk, Avelina? Did you enjoy exploring ?" An 18-year-old ghost floated on the bed cooly and showed her face with simple, open eyes and a flat, closed mouth. Her hands were behind her back and she crossed her legs playfully.

She had a black long hair, warm ivory skin and brown eyes. She wore a light flowing white dress with a high neckline, long sleeves and lilies on the top of her head. She was a bit transparent, but only I could see her.

That was Bella Dhaka Margaret or rather Spirit Bella, the ghost who passed away in many years ago and didn't remember her death clearly. She might look like 18, but she was timeless too; her behaviour and maturity were dissimilar of how it felt to be 18. She was not only a part of my family since her last name was Margaret, she was my best friend too.

I looked at Bella as I answered her question and waved my flower crown, "The walk was alright! Normal as usual!" I flopped down onto the bed, grateful to have a place to rest and relax. "Just bought my lunch!" I pointed my index finger to that on the nightstand. "And of course, I enjoyed exploring Sapienza! Well, not really much hehe!" I placed my flower crown onto the bed beside me and looked up at her again.

"Normal as usual?" She giggled. "How was that little market you went to? Are the prices still high?" She asked as she landed onto the bed and sat down beside me, leaning my head on my back, putting her hands in front of her. I couldn't tell her expression since she was behind me, but I could tell she closed her eyes and laughed softly, trying to imagine myself walking and shopping alone.

I chuckled faintly as I shook my head and smiled warmly, "Depends on what sort of food it is, Bella! Not all food here in Sapienza are expensive!" I gestured my hands as I answered her question once again.

"Okay, okay, I believe you! You did have some interesting things there! So, what did you get then?" She grinned and glanced at me, resting her chin on her crossed hands.

I looked at my lunch as I turned my head and sighed to myself, "Trying to find a halal food, any halal food. It was difficult than I thought. It took me almost an hour, as if I was trying to find a treasure or something," I paused for a moment and looked back at her with a lively smile. "Luckily, I found it already! You could say that was a part of my adventure hehe!"

"Wow! An hour, really?" She laughed and shook her head playfully.

"Almost an hour!" I corrected her.

"I could just cook for you and save you the trouble, you know?"

I raised my brow and tilted my head slightly, "You're a ghost, a spirit! You can't cook a food, Bella," I reminded her.

"I meant I could possess the body of a human!" She pouted playfully but stopped herself as she glanced at me with a gentle smile, "Sorry for my previous behavior, Avelina! But, can we still talk about your lunch? I want to know, so I can cook something for you too, dear!" She giggled shyly.

I rolled my eyes with a chuckle and sat up straight as I took my lunch by hand, "If it has something to with possessing me, no thanks!' I shook my hand and waved away. "Do that and I will make dua for Allah to protect me from you and your playfulness hehe!" I opened the food packaging as I gathered spoon, fork and tissues.

"Why must you be so dramatic and childish all the time?" She laughed while she looked away and pretended to pout. "Don't worry, I won't do anything that would harm you!" She insisted and crossed my arms, starting to float around the room. "Just tell me what you're eating!"

I begun to eat my lunch and swallowed a piece of food. "I will tell you..." I then looked back at her as I pointed my spoon towards her and spoke up, "After I'm done eating! Can you kindly leave me alone please so I could enjoy peace?"

In a playful manner as always, she poked the back of my head and smirked. I didn't feel anything, yet a cold touch, "Aww, come on! Don't be like that, it's not like I would possess you while you're eating! I just want to know! Is it so wrong?"

"Bella... please!" A desperate and childlike tone I used.

She laughed, "Sure, fine! But this is not over yet!" She disappeared out of thin air.

I laughed softly and sighed in relief. I continue to eat my lunch in enjoyment and contentment.

Everything was alright now...

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