The Great Warrior

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Need To know
1.)this will be a harem Fanfic and it will have lemons don't like it well there are plenty other Fanfics out there
2.) this is for Jutsu's Oiroke no Jutsu
3.)this is for when it is mind talking time "sup"
4.) if you don't like this story please don't be mean and tell me that
5.)this is for demon and god talking "kit"
Naruto walked in front of the hospital and saw Kakashi there "hay Kakashi-sensai I was wondering if you could train me for the final Chunin exams" he said hopefully even though Kakashi hasn't even taught him anything besides the tree walking technique maybe he'd actually train him now "sorry Naruto but I'm training Sasuke he needs more help then you do since he's going up against Gaara" said the one eyed Jonin Naruto was baffled did he not see what Neji did to Hinata "what didn't you see what Neji did to Hinata if you don't help me he will kill me do you understand he will kill me" he said "and you saw what Gaara did to Lee if I don't help Sasuke he could die" said Kakashi that's when it clicked in Naruto's head "you Fucking bastard you want him to kill or at least stop me from being a ninja don't you" said Naruto "can't you at least give me some scrolls or something to help me" said Naruto with pleading eyes

"look Naruto I can't train you what so ever okay Sasuke has a better chance of winning against Gaara then you do against Neji let's look at the facts your ninjutsue arsenal is only the academy jutsu's you have no genjutsu no taijutsue hell you can't even do genjutsu your Chakra control is horrible beyond belief Sasuke on the other hand has a variety of fire jutsu's his unlocked sharigan which I could help him with some Genjutsu and his Uchiha taijutsu all of which I could help him improve on and help him with all in all Sasuke is a prodigy while you are a horrible unteachable student" he said Naruto had a 'i don't care look on his face as he looked at the sun then back at Kakashi Nodding his head "so that's how it is huh you forsake one student for another hell your probably hoping for Neji to ethier kill me or end my ninja career right" said the blonde jailor when Kakashi didn't say anything or look up from his pornography Naruto nodded "so that's it huh and here I thought Konoha's motto on teamwork was something that everyone was suppose to uphold hell you more so then anyone I guess I was wrong" said Naruto "you have no talent none and I can't have you slowing down Sasuke or even ruining my reputation be cause you lost to Neji" said Kakashi had he looked up from his porn he would of saw a down right furious Naruto that was when the killing I tent in the area burst through the roof Kakashi looked at Naruto with weid eyes

"His reputation his Fucking reputation that's what matters to him more then my life his Fucking reputation" thought the blue eyed boy "so your one of them huh Hatake" said Naruto his eyes flickering from blue to red slited eyes "Naruto calm-" before Kakashi could finish he found a fist in his gut knocking the wind out of him and making him cough up blood "calm down calm down don't you dare tell me to calm the Fuck down Hatake you who would send me to my death you who forsake one for another how dare you tell me to calm down after all I ever done for this team you cast me aside I was the one who saved you when you were captured by Zabuza Not Sasgay Me I had to save your presicous Uchiha from Haku I was the one standing up against Orrochimaru while your Fucking Uchiha was cowering like the little shit that he was Not Sasuke Me you can't even stick to your own motto those who brake the rules are trash but those who abandoned there comrades are worse then trash you and those two bitchs of teammates I have you can go to hell I gave everything to this Village you and everyone else can burn in hell for all I care" he said as he walked away leaving a gasping Kakashi that didn't know when to quiet

"Naruto I order you to stop" he said Naruto stopped and turned his head Kakashi saw red slited eyes full of anger hate and malice "I don't answer to you or anyone anymore so go to hell and when you get there tell the fourth I said that he was a Fucking bastard" he said as he started walking again Kakashi stood up and catched up to him as he put his hand on his shoulder Naruto grabbed his hand by the wrist and squeezed so hard that there was a loud crunch and kakashi's wrist cracked "never ever touch me again you bastard I once respected you but now your nothing to me not even a comrade" he said as he walked away villagers and some Ninja parted ways for him to pass some glared at him they were surprised when he glared back

Konoha streets

"That bastard I hope he burns in hell along with the fourth" he thought without him noticing several Villagers and Ninja started following him picking up weapons on the way or pulling them out of there pouches in the ninjas case all of them had one thought on there mind "the demon dies today" Naruto however was in his losses off mind how how could his own sensai just forsake him hell he knew that it was going to happen so far his ninja career was going down hill first Mizuki now Kakashi then he learns that he has a giant demon fox in his gut making it where every beating and ever over priced food he was sold was explained "man life is hell for me" he thought his thoughts were interrupted by something hitting him in the back of his head he held the back of his head in pain as he turned around to face a mob of villagers and ninja he was about to say something when another rock came flying it hit him in the head again then the beating happened Naruto was use to this theyed beat him then leave but this beating was different more brutul and more bloodthirsty "huh so this is how it end" thought Naruto as the mob left three Jonin stand behind "damn demon glad he's dead now"said one "wait he's still breathing let's finish it" said another one "yeah let's finish what the fourth started" said a tall one as they neared him

"Flithy humans to think Raiden the Thunder God favors you why I'll never know" said a almost reptilian voice the shinobi around the almost dead Uzumaki looked to where the voice came from to find nothing there "who's there show yourself" said the lead Jonin "how about no you fools aren't even worth the effort but you will be worth the killing" said the voice just then the ninja standing on the left side of Naruto began to scream and bleed causing the other Jonin to become frantic "s-s-stop this show your self" said the lead Jonin "please this is to much fun" said the voice when he finished the Jonin on the left of Naruto began to scream and bleed the two bleedinga Jonin tried to run out of the ally way only to fall to the ground with cuts at there necks unable to utter one sound they were dead before they hit the ground the last Jonin was sweating and looking everywhere "p-p-p-please please let me live you can have the demon just let me live please" said the Jonin "please I don't want the child although something is strange about him witch Kiba will check after your dead now I think I've prolonged this long enough so goodbye" said the voice the last thing the Jonin saw was green black slited reptilian eyes before he fell to the ground dead with a sliced bleeding neck "now let's see about this child" said the creature

"Your scent seems locked sealed and locked away there is powerful magic on you but what is your scent I know I know it......wait I know what it is but that can't be possible your suppose to be dead after the tenth Mortal Kombat tournament when that sorcerer lost ages ago but why are you so young hmmmm...... wait this magic it has traces of two......Radien and.......shang sung I knew that sorcerer couldn't be trusted if you are his son I have to bring you back at once given your wounds" said the lizard creature before using an amulet to traverse the realms if this was who he thought it was then he'd be damned if he died on his watch or ever actually

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