Chapter 2: Naruto Khan

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Need To know
1.)I own nothing except the Oc's
2.)this will be a harem Fanfic and it will have lemons don't like it well there are plenty other Fanfics out there
3.) this is for Jutsu's Oiroke no Jutsu
4.)this is for when it is mind talking time "sup"
5.) if you don't like this story please don't be mean and tell me that
6.)this is for demon talking "kit"

"Not only are you late, but Sasuke's match was postponed, and when you didn't show up with him for his second chance I had to disqualify the Uchiha," said Genma seeing both Sasuke and Kakashi were shocked by this.

Well...Kakashi was shocked, but Sasuke was pissed off, and the Uchiha looked ready to kill someone.

"Well at least that loser of mine for a teammate didn't advance in his match against Neji. I bet the Hyuuga hurt that pathetic excuse of a Shinobi no badly that he cried and pissed himself," said Sasuke letting out a cruel chuckle.

Only to be surpassed by a cruel laughter coming from a helmeted figure and the burning crimson eyes made the hairs on the back of Kakashi's head stand up.

"You would be losing that bet Uchiha. Neji fell in battle by my hands...painfully I might add," said Naruto with Sasuke looking at him with disbelief.

"Naruto?" said Kakashi while Naruto just grinned further with his fangs showing.

"Impossible! You are not that dead last loser," said Sasuke seeing what Naruto now was and felt should be rightfully his own power.

"If you're so confident, then back it up, and take me down yourself Sasuke," said Naruto with the Uchiha charging forward blindly and hitting him with a punch to the stomach.

Only to cry out in pain.

"AHHHHH!" yelled Sasuke, as he held his now broken right hand, and hearing Naruto laughing at him.

"Foolish Uchiha. Your strength, what little there was of it in your possession has failed, and are no longer even remotely close to my league," said Naruto with his arms crossed in front of him.

"Shut up! I don't care what kind of power you possess. I will always be better then you loser. This village will always love me over your worthless self any day of the week. My finger has more value then your whole body!" said Sasuke while Naruto just smirked at him.

"Is that so?" said Naruto his grin reaching from one ear to the next.

"One hundred percent!" said Sasuke while Kakashi was still looking in disbelief at what had become of Naruto.

Naruto seemed bored before his body glowed red for a second and a shoulder strike at the Uchiha that sent the boy through the stadium wall. "If I gave to shits I would tell you tha t you are right but" then he started looking around before he looked at the uchiha "i cant find too shits to give"

Kakashi growled and Naruto took a Stance and glared at him with his eyes saying try it kakashi sighed and picked up the knocked down uchiha and flashed to the competitors booth

Naruto turned back to the crazed demons holder and smiled as he held out his had and two hammers appeared the were small versions of his father's wrath hammer Genma looked at Naruto then at the grinning Garra and s tee rated sweating the killing intent in the arena was getting to him he gulped and said "hajime" then he hopped the he'll away from the two powerful ninja

Before the could fight an explosion happened in the Kage booth and small feathers started floating down out of the air Naruto instantly dispelled the genjutsue as hundreds of enemy ninja came into the arena he looked up to see is mother and father fighting along side the konoha ninja and turned back to a snarling garra "Mother wants your blood Uzumaki" he yelled Naruto smiled this maybe a challenge

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