C10: Meeting Again

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11 Months later:

Vidhyanagara Palace:

True to his words, Maheshwar was a true friend to Aditya. They frequently exchanged letters and messages about every small event of their lives. Maheshwar wrote letters addressed to the palace of Krishnapura while letters for Maheshwar went to the ashram to his Guruji who carefully delivered them to him without anyone finding out about his reality. They spoke about governing the kingdom in a fair way, politics, relationships and marriages, love and women, families and upbringing, hobbies and music and wrote how much they missed each other's presence. Well Aditya was explicit about wanting Maheshwar's advice and presence whereas Maheshwar would just try his best to convey his feelings. How could he, when he was clearly falling in love with him since the day they met by the river. When Aditya had seen him in his original form, as Meenakshi and the love for her in his eyes, she couldn't help but be lost in his thoughts.

Aditya had ordered Maheshwar to visit him in his kingdom as he was going to be crowned as the King after his father. Maheshwar was strictly asked to come a fortnight prior to help him and be with him until his coronation. Maheshwar couldn't deny his request and promised to be there with him.

Meanwhile Meenakshi traveled exclusively around her kingdom disguised as Maheshwar helping her father with the administration duties. Her kingdom flourished well, where she would hear the woes of her people and help them in every way possible. Some were solved by her while some were taken to the king where the people heard the king deciding what was better for them. The people were extremely pleased with the King and his rule. Her brother was in the gurukul finishing his studies and she has stepped in to help her father, her king.

"Why do you have to go? Don't you know how much you suffered because of him?" Chitrama asked her, as Meenakshi was packing her bags. Chitrama had found out of her disguise one day and she confronted the princess about it. Meenakshi had explained about her meeting with Aditya and all that happened during her stay at Sampangi. Chitrama was annoyed to say the least. They were enemies and Chitrama was against her interactions with Aditya. Meenakshi had given her word to Aditya and she couldn't go against it. She would secretly hide the letters from Chitrama but Chitrama knew everything. She also knew that she couldn't stop the princess and only prayed for her safety.

"You know why I am going Ma. I need to be there Ma. I promised him."

"You could have denied him, too." She said, putting her things away.

"Ma, I couldn't. It is not fair. He sees me as his friend and friends are always there for each other." Meenakshi assured her mother. She tied her bag and placed her head on Chitrama's lap, seeking comfort in her embrace.

"Take care of yourself. You need to be careful, they are our enemies and no matter what, never compromise your safety." Chitrama said, running her fingers through Meenakshi's hair. She looked at the girl sleeping on her lap and chuckled to herself. She closed her eyes and prayed to Mahadev to help her and keep her safe.

Meenakshi had informed her Guru Dandapani to help her knowing that the king would be furious if he was aware of this decision of hers. She had to go to Krishnapura and Acharya was the only one who could help her. He was the only person whom the King couldn't deny. And just like she thought, she was allowed to go on a tour by the king.

Reaching the Krishnapura palace, Maheshwar showed the royal seal sent by Aditya and he was escorted to the palace. Hearing Maheshwar's presence, Aditya ran through the corridors to welcome him. He welcomed Maheshwar personally, hugging him when he saw the sight of him.

"Welcome Mahesh. I hope you had a comfortable journey. I am so happy that you are here." Maheshwar chuckled at his excitement and patted his back. He couldn't give away his identity nor could he miss the feeling of Aditya's arms around him. They felt warm and protective and Maheshwar couldn't help but smile in satisfaction.

This was a new visual to the palace residents to see their prince so happy and lively. They had always seen him being serious and work focused, but seeing him so happy made all of them curious about this special friendship. Aditya escorted Mahesh to his chambers that he had personally gotten ready for his comfort and stay. Aditya then showed him around the palace, his room and the overlooking kingdom.

"You can rest for today. We shall meet in the dining room for breakfast." Aditya said, as he ushered Maheshwar to his chambers. Maheshwar nodded and his sight fell on the maids standing in a corner with clothes, oil and some powders in their hands.

"Why are they here?" Maheshwar asked, looking at them, while they giggled.

"They are to help you with a bath. I have chosen them personally so that your stay here can be comfortable. And all that travel would have tired you, they shall help you relax and rest well." Aditya said, glaring at the women for their behavior.

"Aditya, this isn't needed. My comfort lies in my privacy. I shall be more than happy to take care of myself. All of this is unnecessary." Maheshwar said, trying to evade the situation. Aditya opened his mouth to protest but he was cut off by Maheshwar. "Please. I insist." Aditya's shoulders slumped but he nevertheless nodded and signaled the maids to leave them. The maids nodded at his gesture and placed the things near the dressing table and left the room.

"If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask me. I hope you are comfortable here. I don't want you to feel left out on anything." Aditya said, worry morphing his face.

"I think you are worrying too much. I am very much pleased by your concern and affection and I promise to ask you if I need anything. Fret not, I am comfortable here. You should also rest. We will meet anyway tomorrow." Maheshwar spoke, placing a comforting arm on his shoulder while Aditya wordlessly nodded and left the room.


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