New beginnings

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in an ever expanding space littered with stars and galaxies, floats a young girl no older than 6 or 7. With hair akin to the blue sky, with slight undertones of silver littered throughout, facial features than can only be described as absolutely divine surpassing any and every god or goddess. delicate facial features that look as if they were skulpted and made with the word perfect in mind.

Although she looks like a child that would be helpless infront of any and all danger, it is contradicted by the sheer presences and aura radiating from her being. If anyone weaker than than an ultimate class being came into contact with her aura they'd instantly turned to ash without even being able to register that they died.

As she floats through the vast emptiness with an unknown destination, a cute young girl with doll like features that appears to be in her early adolescence with jet black hair reminiscent of the night sky that reaches down past her waist, eyes the colour of ash with an outline of black. One would mistaken her for a human were it not for her pointed ears indicating otherwise.

as she approaches the sleeping beauty she can't help by stare in awe at the shear presence this seemingly young girl is giving off not to mention her ethereal beauty that cannot be seen anywhere else. While seeminly entranced by the girls beauty she is snapped back to reality by the voice of a man she knew all too well.

"Aren't you staring a bit to hard ophis. If she wakes up and see's you staring like that you'll come off as a pervert" he stated with a smirk plastered across his face.

"mind you're own business baka red. Don't you have anything better to do than stalk me like a creep" she barked back with obvious annoyance in her tone.

"I didnt come to see you, I just came to see what that huge spike in energy was that makes us pale in comparison. I never thought that a child would be the cause, let alone one that feels so similar to you and me. Do you have any idea where she came from?"

"Why the hell would i? I only just got here as well. she came out of nowhere, i didn't even feel her entering the dimensional gap, it's as if she just formed here."

they sat in silence for minutes as if contempling something before great red spoke once again.

"We should just ask her directly then, if neither of us know where she came from. child, i know you're awake there is no use pretending you're still asleep"

silence covered the area once more with no signs of the child awakening. After a minute of the child not moving a single muscle her eyes slowly opened revealing an entrancing pair of golden eyes seemingly analysing anything and everything that came into they're view.

Unknown girl POV

As i slowly start to regain consciousness my eyes flutter open only to be met with a vast space filled with nothing but small lights littered all around me, not a single piece of land for me to stand on.

I try to recall where i am but i'm met with nothing. Im suddenly hit with a earth shattering headache that threatens to split open my skull as vague memory's fill my head.

I'm walking around a place filled with giant structures that seem to reach the sky, covered with panels that reflect the ever clear blue sky. i'm walking next to a man and a woman speaking words that fail to reach my ears. As i hear a scream and shout from behind me i try to turn around to discern what the cause is only to be met with a an object in my stomach. As i collapse on the ground the man i was walking with is clutching onto me with tear filled eyes speaking words that no matter how hard i try to hear slip away from me and fade into nothingness. as my vision blurs and starts to fade im met with.....


Pure unfiltered nothingness. There is no sound to be heard no light to be seen, as if anything that tries will be swallowed while not allowing anything to escape its grasp. As i lie there time continues to flow, without a sense of time i cannot be sure how long i spent like that until my vision gets flooded once again.

that time i got reincarnated in dxd (tensura x highschool dxd)Where stories live. Discover now