Chapter 3

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i've been living with onee-chan for about 20 years now, it honestly hasn't been too bad. at first she was really quiet and barely talked to me but it got better after the first year. she started to eat with me and we even go shopping together on earth. For the first year i was really bored, all i really did was talk to ciel-chan and learn how to control my powers, besides from that all i did was sleep and shoot stuff into space. I really wanted to go and get a tv and some of the manga that ciel told me about but i was too scared to ask onee-chan to go with me.

After a little over a year i finally built up the courage to ask her. honestly i was expecting her to turn me down but she surprisingly said she'd take me. we ended up buying (stealing) an 80 inch tv, we also borrowed (stole) some manga from the book store. we go manga shopping (stealing) atleast once a month. i really like spending time with onee-chan even tho for the first couple of years she didn't really have any facial expressions and rarely showed emotions. It's a lot better now because she smiles and laughs with me all the time, she even scolds me even though i don't even do anything wrong. just thinking about the last time she scolded me is giving me shivers......

onii-chan visits every now and then but he usually gets kicked out by onee-chan for being too loud. he usually deserves it though. The first time he came to visit he destroyed our front door, so he got chased out. it wasn't even the last time either. i swear somethings wrong with him, he never learns.

over the years onee-chan started to grow up. she used to look like a 13 year old girl, and she stayed like that for a couple of years. But when she started to show more emotion and "take care" of me she started to mature. she looks around 18-20 years old now and she started to dress better. i think she doesn't want to set a bad example for me.

although i started to grow up it was a lot slower than onee-chan. i only look around 16 right now but i stopped growing around 10 years ago. i'm not exactly sure why. i tried asking ciel-chan about it but she always avoids the topic. i also tried asking her if she knew what gender i was in my past lives but she either ignores me or gives me a vague answer. i can tell there's something she's not telling me but no matter how hard i try she never lets anything slip.

around 10 years ago i asked onee-chan to tell me about the world and how everything works. she told me about bird and bat people which really surprised me. i thought that they'd only be in manga and on the tv not in real life. i wanted to go meet and play with them but onee-chan told me i wasn't allowed to. i asked her why but she just told me im too young and naive to deal with people like them. i tried asking her what she means but she told me she'd explain it to me when i grow up. i tried asking onii-chan but he just agreed with onee-chan and told me im too innocent.

i tried sneaking out a couple years ago to go and meet one of the satans but onee-chan found me before i could even get to the underworld and scolded (beat) me all day. i vowed to never make onee-chan angry ever again. i still get nightmares about it.

i've been talking to ciel-chan and trying to make up a plan to convince onee-chan to let me go to school. i tried asking her a couple years ago but she said i wasn't allowed to because humans, devils and fallen angels can be "lecherous" whatever that means. when i asked her what it meant she just told me im too young, so i tried asking onii-chan but he said the same thing. i swear that's there only excuse not to tell me things.

after me and ciel chan had our plan we went down to talk to onee-chan about it. she was sitting on the couch watching some weird show about people finding mates. i don't know why she watches these types of things. she should just go out and find a mate instead of watching other people. it's kind of sad if i'm being honest. as i reach the couch i clear my throat and in my most serious tone i start talking to onee-chan.

"*cough**cough* onee-chan can we talk. i have something i want to ask you about."

"hmm, sure rimuru-chan."

onee-chan pauses the tv as i take a seat next to her. as i sit down ciel manifests next to me.

oh yeah onee-chan and onii-chan already know about ciel i ended up telling them about her 7 years after i started living with onee-chan. i didn't really have a choice because she heard me and ciel talking and walked in when she was manifested next to me. i didn't really mind because it meant that i could be with ciel around the house without having to worry about onee-chan.

"onee-chan i think it's really important that i start socialing with other people that are around my age, other wise im going to turn into the thing people call a shut in. i don't have any friends and the only time i leave the house is to buy more manga with you once a month. i think it's about time i start going to school even ciel agrees with me, right ciel-chan"

"i think master should start attending school to become more familiar in social settings and learn how to interact with other people. i also don't want master turning out like veldora and become an otaku."

to ciels words i could see onee-chan physically cringe. although i dont have a lot of my memory's ciel-chan does. she won't show me a lot of them for some reason but she said its for my own good. i know ciel always does whats best for me so i trust her. she showed me some of the memories about my other siblings that are in the other world and my older brother is kind of weird some times. he can be really cool but a lot of the time he's kinda weird and a freeloader. ciel-chan showed onii-chan and onee-chan all of my memory's so they know who veldora and my other siblings are. i dont think onee-chan wants me to turn out like veldora so she's giving it more thought.

"are you sure this isn't a plan for you to go and interact with the supernatural world." ophis stated while glaring at rimuru.

under onee-chans gaze i could feel cold sweat forming on my forehead.

"W-what d-do you mean o-onee-chan. i just want to go to school to improve my social skills and make friends " i said while trying not to meet onee-chans eyes.

'her intuition is really scary sometimes.'

"hmmm~" onee-chan just hummed in response while thinking about my request.

"fine you can start next school year."

"REALLY!!!" i screamed, my voice filled with unparalleled excitement.

"sure but only if you don't interact with the supernatural world at all." onee-chan said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"w-what. b-but why" i asked trying to get an answer out of her.

'it's unfair it's like she can read my mind.'

"Ara~what's the matter ri-mu-ru-chan~"

"n-nothing." i dejectedly staid knowing i wasn't going to win.

"great! why don't we go shopping for school supplies before you start school?" onee-chan said with a wide beaming smile.

"o-okay." i responded still feeling down from still not being able to see the bat and bird people.

Timeskip 8 months later
Rimuru POV:

It's been 8 months since onee-chan said i can start going to school. we ended up renting a small apartment with the money we earned (robbed) from working really hard. ciel made all of the furniture for me since the stuff she makes is so much better than anything you can buy at the stores. I only wanted a small and cozy apartment for me and ciel nothing too big because it'd be a pain to keep clean and i didn't want to get other people to come into my house to clean for me. its only got 1 medium sized bedroom with a study next to it with a bathroom, lounge room and kitchen. its not too big but its really cozy and since its only me and ciel it's the perfect size.

I ended up moving in a week before school because i wanted to get settled in and used to my new home before school starts. i honestly can't wait for tomorrow it'll be the first time im talking to other people other than onii and onee-chan.

as i turn my lights off ciel manifests next to me.

"goodnight ciel-chan."

"goodnight master."

that time i got reincarnated in dxd (tensura x highschool dxd)Where stories live. Discover now