1. Prologue: And this is how it started

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"How many times do I have to tell you that it's not true... I don't like him," Rihanna chimed in. But none of them believed her. Her face was red. Honestly, who would have thought she was right?And how could they, when she looked like the world's biggest liar. "Shut up," she said to herself.  After all, the bottom line is that she knows the truth.  "See how she's lying?" Theo asked mockingly. Her best friend. "Ahhhhhhh! You're horrible!"  Rihanna said.  She hit the table with her hand and flew out onto the balcony like a complete fury.  Everyone started laughing.  She was the only one standing there outside on the terrace in the bitter winter like
such an idiot.  "Fine woman, brace yourself.  They are
just like that and if they don't want to accept the truth, it's theirs
problem," she said to herself again
in the depths of her mind.  She took another breath and entered
back in.  Everyone else kept talking.
Aren't you cold?" asked Theo. "Of course you are," she said.  "Shouldn't I call Lucas to bring you a sweatshirt?" he said mockingly. "Very funny..." she said, but then her cell phone started ringing.  Unknown number.  "Pick it up!!!" Benji and Amelia said at the same time. Rihanna didn't hesitate for a second and picked up the call from the person. "Hello?"  came from the other side.  The voice sounded familiar to her, but she couldn't place it.  "Hello. Who do I have the honor to speak with?"  Ria said formally.  "Lucas Salinger on the phone," he paused for a moment, "and apparently I called Rihanna Hernandez."
"Where did you get my number????"  she asked urgently.
"Theo gave it to me with a certain request... And that is to invite you somewhere... So, wouldn't you like to go for a drink sometime?"  Ria looked at Benji, Amelia and El for help.  She read their lips to accept the offer immediately.
"Of course and with joy (a bigger lie has never come out of her mouth). And when?"
"How about tomorrow around six in the early evening?"
"Deal.  Take care." She hung up the phone before he could say anything. Amelia, Benji, and El started squealing like teenage girls at a Justin Bieber concert. "Dear Theo, I'm giving you a thirty second head start or I'll kill you!”  Ria shouted to half the apartment.  That lead was another minor lie, because poor Theo will have her hand print on his face for at least the next week.  And that's only because he arranged for her to meet the "most handsome" boy at school. Who apparently was her past enemy...

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