6. Chapter Five: Update: Mom I'm famous...

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"Ah, your girlfriend is coming!"

"Look, it's her!  She's even more beautiful in person."

"I've seen him with different chicks before, but this one is the complete opposite of the others..."

"You've seen the hair and the piercing in the nose that she wants to be attracted even more."

"Look at her... she is such a weirdo... that you even started anything with him."

"Look at her, she's the one from Instagram/internet..."

"Hey you, yes you, who has hair like my grandmother. How come you're dating such a handsome guy?"

And this, all these words connected in continuous sentences is the perfect definition of the fact that it could always be worse and it is. Everyone is asking her questions, gossiping about her, grabbing her hair more than usual and just paying more attention to her. The worst part of this whole thing is that she is the opposite of a person who likes attention from a lot of people...
Right now she was walking towards her locker. She attracted the attention of everyone at school.  She wanted to sink underground. Amelia, Benji and El finally pushed their way through the crowd right to her. They stood on her left side to see her. On her right side was an open cabinet door. She picked out a textbook from it with the words, "I swear if I meet that idiot, I'll kick his ass for what he's done." She nervously closed the locker with a loud thud. "First you should look around to see who's behind you before you speak," Lucas spoke up.  Ria turned red as a tomato and slowly turned around.  "I-I..."
"Do not say anything.  I'll explain the whole situation to you, but not here."
A lump stuck in her throat after his words, as if someone had tied the nerve endings controlling her vocal cords.
She couldn't do anything. Lucas wanted to grab her hand, but then Theo appeared there. "First you will have to explain to ME why to hell everyone cares about my best friend," he said before taking Lucas's hand away from Rihanna's. "Thank god for Theo" she thought to herself.  What would she actually do without him, where would she get to. That's hard to say, but let's get back to the more important thing...

"Hey everyone look not only Lucas wants her, but Theo too!" shouted a random passerby. All the people stood around them. They started filming and taking pictures. Amelia, El and Benji got lost in the crowd. Ria was stressed and scared,  what if this whole situation ruins her life. “Very funny,” Theo began, “but this whole Lucas Salinger and Rihanna Hernandez thing is bullshit.  If you're really that obtuse, then you, like most of Britain, didn't notice that they weren't on speaking terms before and even Rihanna hated him for years."
"And to top it all off, all those photos aren't real, but I wish they were," Lucas added.
"What?!" Ria screamed.
"Fine, since dear Jamie didn't give me a choice here I'll say it in front of the whole school... I like Theo's best friend Rihanna Hemandez..."
Rihanna didn't know what to do.  She started backing up, slowly turned around and broke through the crowd of people.  She ran all over the school.  She bumped into people, walls, trash cans and door handles.  She even fell to the ground twice.  She ran out of the school.  She ran towards the forest.  On her feet were canvas sneakers.  With every step they were more and more mud.  It felt like a bad dream to her.  But a certain part of her brain kept telling her that it could be a cruel reality.  Suddenly she tripped over a stone. She hit the ground, but before that she rolled down the hill.  She didn't notice anything. In front of her eyes was a complete black void.  She didn't know where she was or who was currently checking her vital signs. For some mysterious reason she felt safe.  Maybe it was because the ambulance had just taken her straight to the hospital. Beside her, Theo was holding her hand, but she didn't know it. After all, everything she had "experienced" so far since morning was just a bad dream and she had to be hospitalized, due to internal bleeding into the appendix. All she saw were delusions. Fortunately, Theo was there when it all started and knew how to intervene.

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