15. Chapter Fourteen: Demons Are Not Welcome...

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Chapter Fourteen: Demons Are Not Welcome...

El was sitting at the kitchen table.  She had food on a plate in front of her.  A salad she made herself because that's the only thing that helps her not feel bad.  The feeling of knowing what she eats and how many calories it contains has comforted her for many years.  But sometimes she can't help himself and eats something unhealthy.  Maybe it's because, despite his mental health condition, he still adores sweets.  But the feeling that she ate something she shouldn't sometimes consumes her so much that she overdoes it with ridiculous diets and exercise.  She thinks it will make her feel better, that it's the only way out of this vicious circle called an eating disorder.  Maybe she's not like all the babies you see on the internet if you look up the term anorexia.  But even so, it is not far from it.  For some time now, poor El has been battling her demons, forcing her to skip meals, go on ridiculous diets, and exercise until all her limbs fall off.  But the struggle is
harder than it seems at first glance.  One part of her mind knows she needs food, but the other tells her that food is her enemy.  On the contrary, she would not survive long without food.  She needs it to live, which is why Rihanna and Amelia noticed something was wrong with her.  But back to the food.  Since someone knows about her demons, everything has started to go in a better direction.  She stopped caring about how many calories she burns in a day and doesn't compare herself so much to others.  She finished her lunch.  Finally.  She managed it without any complaints.  At least for now... Maybe he'll recover at least seventy percent soon... But for now, you need space.

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