10. Chapter Nine: Broken Ice and One Broken Heart...

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(Author's note: I thought that this song would perfectly fit into the atmosphere of this chapter...)

Rihanna walked towards the park.  It was bitterly cold outside, but she, like the biggest demented person, went outside in a sweatshirt, jeans and Converse sneakers.  Her hands were in her pockets, but she was still cold. It has been almost a week since she was hospitalized.  She can still taste the hospital food on his tongue. Yuck...
She just arrived at the park.  It was exactly eight o'clock, as he and Theo had agreed.  He wasn't there.  She thought he would be late.  But it wasn't like that.  She tried to write to him.  "Message not delivered. Tried a second time. MESSAGE NOT DELIVERED. MESSAGE NOT DELIVERED..." This was repeated perhaps twenty times.  Namely, he forgot to unblock her.  She tried to write him in a normal message.  He also didn't get it because his cell phone was dead.  But Rihanna didn't know about it.  She tried to call him.  He didn't pick it up.  He even forgot to mention to her yesterday that he was supposed to go to Ireland today and wouldn't be back until three days later. Why did he forget that?
Maybe because he was so blinded by his feelings that he forgot to think.  On essential thoughts.  Poor girl.  She was standing there alone the week before Christmas in a snowstorm that had just started.  Her house was too far away and there was hardly anything to see outside.  She started to feel really bad.  As if someone had been watching her from afar for a long time.  She turned around.  A tall thin man stood about ten meters behind her.  Dressed all in black.  He was holding something similar to a pocketknife in his hand.  She didn't hesitate for a second and ran.  He followed her everywhere she went.  He didn't give her a break.  She didn't know what to do. While she was running, she quickly picked up her mobile phone.  The first number in her contacts was Lucas Salinger.  She quickly called him.  He picked it up within seconds.  "Hello Rihanna, what's up?"

"I'm in a park and some guy with a knife is chasing me. I don't know what to do, so I run forward even though I can't see. And you were the only person I know who lives nearby," she cried.  She couldn't take it anymore.  She feared for her life.  "I'll be there in two minutes.  If anything happens, do not under any circumstances turn off this call!"he said.  She didn't say anything.  She kept running even though she was not in control.  The mysterious man was getting closer.  She added, but her strength was no longer enough.  She coughed and ran.  Tears streamed down her face.  She was scared.  Just when she thought she would fall to the ground, a pair of hands caught her.  It was Lucas.  "Do not worry.  I'm here." She hugged him as hard as she could. Suddenly the whole world stopped for both of them. Nothing existed. Even time stopped with that moment. The strange man with the knife was caught. A bunch of guys beat him up and the police were called on him. Everywhere  there was snow all around. Just two people aged sixteen and seventeen standing in the middle of the park hugging each other. She had cried on his shoulder after she thought she was going to die a week before Christmas. If it wasn't for Lucas, her life would probably be over by now  forever. Fortunately, he was here and always will be, because hope dies last. And he is her hope for unforgettable memories. "Why are you here in the park after dark and in a snowstorm?" he broke the silence and looked into her  eyes. He released her to breathe freely. She was staring on the ground. "I was supposed to meet Theo here, but he hasn't called me..."

"He apparently forgot to mention that he went to Ireland.  And he almost took your life..." Lucas frowned. He pretended that he would like to give Theo a good word for it.

"It's not his fault, it's mine.  I knew I shouldn't come here, but I came anyway."

"Hey," he began, looking her straight in the eyes, "don't take the blame for something you can't control. You'll only make it worse. By the way, aren't you cold?"

"Yes, I'm incredibly cold.  Only I can be so smart and wear this," she said, pointing to her outfit.

"If you want, you can sleep at my place.  I know you live far away and my house is just around the corner."

"Ummm... You're sure about that."

"You do not have to be afraid.  I'll sleep on the couch..."
"Obviously I have no choice.  I don't want to walk almost four blocks in this snow..."

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