Chapter 18 Marcel/Ariena/Jackson POVs

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Marcel POV

It has been a week since we confronted Crystal and everything has been going smoothly. I have spent more time with Ariena and it is truly making me happier than I ever that I could be.

"Marcel I need you in my office now," my father mindlinks me.

I walk into the office and he tells me to have a seat.

"Crystal has escaped and from what I seen from the survailance footage Jackson sent Nikki and Jasmine helped her and they cut ties with the pack," my dad tells me. I am so pissed, I get up and throw a chair.

Ariena POV

I walk out of class next I feel a needle in my neck.

2 hours laters

I come to and I am cuffed and chained to a chair. I look around and it looks like a run down cabin. I can't hear anything but wildlife and 3 other heartbeats beside my own. I then hear a door open and in comes Crystal, a burnette, she looks to be the one I saw sitting on Marcel's lap that day at the diner, and a she wolf with black hair.

"Oh look who is a wake," says the girl with black hair. I am going to call her thing two.

"So you are Marcel's so called mate," thing one the burnette says.

"You really thought you won? I wonder will Marcel still want you if he sees how weak you truly are?" Crystal mocks.

I try to call Sky but I can't feel her. They must have dosed me with wolfsbane along with using silver.

Crystal then stabs me in my thigh. When I don't scream she twists the knife. It is not silver so I am not giving her the benefit of hearing me scream.

"Today we won't use silver tools, wouldn't be a nice welcome to your new hell." Crystal says with a smile.

Marcel POV

I go to the college to warn Ariana since she is not answering her phone. She won't answer if she is in class.

I get there and I can't smell her or find her. I see her girls in the cafeteria..

"Hey Gina, Leah, and Cameron have you guys seen Ari?" I ask them.

"No we were about to ask you and Jackson if you seen or heard from her cause she doesn't ever miss classes," GIna says.

"Thanks I am going to call Jackson," I say and walk out.

Jackson POV

"Alpha Jackson" I say answering my phone. I am so busy working with putting a search party together to hunt Crystal down for escaping the cells that I didn't even check the caller ID.

"Jackson have you seen Ari? Nikki and Jasmine cut ties with Silver Moon when they helped Crystal and nobody has seen Ari since her first class of the day." Marcel says.

"No but I have a search party for Crystal. How about we combine our resources and look for Ari as well? Come on over anytime I am sure the insigght you have on Crystal, Nikki and Jasmine would be benefit in this search." I tell Marcel and we hang up and he tells me him, Niko and Klaus are on the way.

Ariena POV

After Crystal twisted the knife in my thigh. She punches me in the face.

"Hey girls you want a turn on this luna WANNABE.?" Crystal asks. "Cause yes you stupid whore that is all you are just like us we are all Luna wannabes but Nkki and Jasmine decided to not crosss line they knew I was number one. You didn't want to get in line."

Thing two comes walking up. " I worked my ass off to get Marcel to notice me and then you come along. You think you can make him settle to be with one woman? He will never be a one woman man. Me, Crystal and Nikki knew this that is why he had three luna wannabes we knew only one would be luna in title." So thing two must be Jasmine. She takes a knife and stabs my hand and twists it.

"So you guys are hurt that Marcel doesn't want you anymore and instead of being a woman and takinjg it up with Marcel you are weak bitches who go for other women and blame them instead of the man or yourselves?" I laugh. Which causes Jasmine to punch me in my face.

Nikki walks up punches me in the face. "Do you really think Marcel could ever be loyal to you? Why not have just joined us and we could have all gotten along? Nope you just wanted to still Marcel from us." Nikki says and cuts my cheek. She then stabs my foot and twists the knife.

They refuse to let my hands go so they make sure I ate some bread and drank some water they left me in this room.

I tried to escape but between this metal chair, silver chains, and Sky is not reachable right now it is impossible.

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