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Adhvik's pov

Mom called us out and we went to the living room.
Dad was already sitting there.

Mom seems happy.
Her face was glowing.
And i think last time that happened 2 years ago when her bestfriend came back from abroad after 5 years.

We both went and sat on sofa.

Mom immediately came towards Yashika and hugged her.

Yashika hugged her back but she was so fucking confused.

"What happened maa?"I asked
"You guys should've have told us the news by yourselves" She said with a smile not leaving her face.

"Which news aunty?" Yashika asked.

She still call my mom aunty?
Like why?

"That I am getting promoted" She said but how can my mom get promoted like she is housewife right?

"Promoted? How?"

"Idiot!! I am going to be a dadi (grandmother)" She said with a lot of happiness visible on her face.

How does she know?

She hugged Yashika again.
Yashika didn't hug her back this time.

"Aree if u will keep the pregnancy test at bathroom I will find it na" mom said.

Yashika's eyes widened and mine just looked at her.
Like how can she be so dumb??

Papa congratulated us.

We were shocked.

"I never thought that you will be this quick with the baby..." Mom teased us.

Yashika was smiling to keep my parents happy but I couldn't.
I can't even manage to smile at that point.

Now I cannot even think of abortion.
Mom knows about the baby.

"I will take good care of you for next 9 months and then I will take care of both you and baby" my mom said with excitement.

Soon after 15 minutes my mom called Yashika's Mom and told her about the news.

Mom even told Yashika to rest all the time.
She was getting special treatment.

Yashika's mom congratulated us too.
Even invited us for dinner.

I was shattered.
I don't want to be a father.
I don't want a baby.

I don't know what's gonna happen but I know that I dont want that to happen.

Soon me and yashika went to our room after dinner.

"Now we can't abort the baby"
"I don't even want to abort the baby" yashika replied.
"Are you ready?"
"Even if I am not I can't kill my baby for that" She said.

Kill is the word that bothers me.
The baby is unborn and I am not a murderer.

"It's okay if u don't want to keep the baby. The baby would be totally my responsibility. It's ok if you don't want this baby to associate with you" She said.

"It's nothing like that Yashika I am not ready"

She sighed and went to sleep.

I wanted things to be clear.
But she just slept.

I slept too.
Without getting answers of my questions.

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